No! I'm your senpai

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[(F/n) = Friend name]

It was about 10:00am on a Saturday and you were just lazing around in your bed, accomplishing nothing in life when suddenly your phone started ringing.

You let out a loud sigh before forcing your arm to reach over and grab it. You read the caller I.D and saw it was your (male) friend,(f/n).

(F/n): hey! Do you wanna hang out later?

(Y/n): sure! What time?

(F/n ): how does 2pm sound?

(Y/n): great! See you later!

(F/n): see ya!

You smiled and threw your phone to the other side of the  bed before sighing again. You rolled over onto your front letting out another heavy sigh.

"Christ, (y/n), you're replacing all the oxygen with your terrible carbon dioxide." Silver said resting his chin on the side of your bed.

You grinned at his dorkiness and poked him on the nose.

"Well, I'm sorry Mr. Environment but when I'm bored sighing is my body's number one protocol~"

Silver blinked. "Why don't you just 'do' something'?"

"Because I am an otaku! And I have devoted my life to anime and binge watching Netflix!" You exclaimed standing up in a superman stance.

"Sorry for ever doubting you, your highness~!" silver said laughing at your cuteness

You jumped off the bed and glomped him, embracing him tightly.

"Let's play some pokemon!" You suggested.

He simply blushed and nodded.

After what felt like years of trading pokemon, giving your pokemon stupid names and running into an endless amount of zubats, the door bell rang.

Silver tilted his head. "Are you expecting someone?"

You squinted your eyes as you tried to remember before realisation struck you.

"Oh yeah! (F/n)!"you said smiling

"(F/n)?" Silver said as you rushed down the stairs to get the door.

You swung open the door and greeted your friend with your secret hand shake.

"Come on in!"

(F/n) walked passed you into the house and made his was into the living room. He then situated himself on the couch and picked up a ps4/xbox (or whatever) controller.

"Wanna play j stars victory vs?"

"F*ck Yes!"

You and (f/n) spent forever playing each other at various games which you won the most. You were having  so much fun that you had subconsciously forgotten about Silver.

Silver was sitting on your bed playing on his own game boy. Every time he heard you laugh downstairs he would grimace.

'Stupid (f/n)! I should get my unknowns to haunt him! That would teach him not to steal my (y/n)!"

Silver actually contemplated doing that but decided not to, as it would make you upset. He sighed sadly and waited for you to finish downstairs.

At about 8pm you and (f/n) said your goodbyes, not forgetting your secret hand shake. As soon as you closed the door you turned around and yelped.

"S-silver! You scared me!"

"At least I didn't forget about you for 6 hours." He mumbled floating back up stairs.

Your face contorted into a look of confusion before changing into a look of guilt. You immediately bolted up stairs like rapidash on steroids. You slammed open the door startling the red eyed ghost boy.

You went over to the bed and wrapped your arms around Silver in a warm embrace. Silver blushed and nuzzled closer to you.

"Sorry for forgetting about you." You apologised

"It's alright, I know you didn't mean to. I just hope to never see him again..." silver said turning nefarious half way through his sentence.

You tilted your head at silver.

"Silvy, are you... jealous?" You said with a smile creeping onto your face.

Silver snapped his head towards you with a blush redder than charmander's flame.

"N-no!" He denied

You giggled and layed back on your bed.

"Maybe I should invite (f/n)-senpai over again..." you said with a playful smirk on your face.

As soon as *THAT*  word left your mouth a feeling of envy and jealousy washed over silver making his mood go from content to vigilant. He converted his unknowns into limbs and pulled you into a protective embrace.

"Never! I'm the only one who gets to be called that by you!" He exclaimed.

Your eyes widened at his sudden outburst. Then all of a sudden a huge blush blush spread across your cheeks which made all scizor's look white.

'Oooh my Arceus! Silver looks so freakin' cute when he's mad~!' You thought cupping your burning cheeks.

You leaned forward and gave silver a chaste kiss on the cheek. Silver's

mood abruptly calmed down and he became flustered.

"Aw silver~ I was only joking! You're my one and only senpai!" You confessed.

He blinked a few times before grinning happily.

"Good to know, (y/n)-chan~!"

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