Don't be scared my darling

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[Just for some disclosure: I wrote this chapter to emulate how I feel most days, so I'll try to make the next  chapter suit anyone who has a more outgoing and social personality!]

You woke up on a beautiful Monday morning feeling rejuvenated after your 8 long, peaceful hours of blissful sleep! You were so energized that you felt like you could run a marathon!

Pssssssh! Yeah sure.

You woke up with a feeling of dread and absolutely zero energy as you had stayed up until 2am reading fanfics. You stretched out your aching muscles, moaning when your joints became less tense. You gave a heavy sigh and wiped the sleep out of your eyes. After a particularly loud yawn you looked over at your clock on your dresser and sighed again.

"F*ck you mister clock. You're what's ruining my life the most..." you said flopping back down onto your bed.

A high pitched whine left your mouth as you forced yourself to get out of bed. You yawned and stretched again whilst making your way to the bathroom to have a shower.

=probably about 20 minutes later I guess=

You walked down stairs and made your way into the kitchen; looking for something to eat. You took a box of cereal out of the cupboard as well as milk from the fridge. Finally, you were sat down at the table with all your ingredients.

You gracefully picked up the milk and poured it into the empty bowl. This was then followed by 10 seconds of you lamenting all your life decisions before proceeding to poor in the cereal. As you were eating your cereal you heard a knock at the front door.

'Does the post man not know we have a letter box?' You thought

Being the lazy girl you were, you kept on eating your cereal. As soon as you were about to take another bite, the person rapped on the door twice as hard. You groaned and got up from the table, storming your way over to the door. You looked through the peep hole and-

'Who is that?' You thought

A person you didn't know was standing at your front door and you didn't even know how to successfully say hello to someone. Your anxiety levels went from 45% to f*cking over 9000%.

'Tch! It's Fine!  I'll just open the door, ask what they want then close the door, simple!'you thought with a smile.

'But what if they ask me to help them find an address? What if they ask to borrow some sugar?! What if they kidnap me!?! What if they knock me out and go running through the house!?!? What if!-'

"(Y/n), you're freaking out again."

You jumped and screamed at the voice from behind you. When you saw who it was you sighed with relief.

"SILVER! Don't scare me like that!" You scolded him.

He was about to say something but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Oh? Who is it?" He asked you curiously.

"I don't know."

"You don't know?"


"Oh, that's bad..."

*nodding furiously*

"Well, when I feel a little nervous I just imagine the person is just a mirror." He said happily

You squinted at him then shook your head.

"You know what,  it's do or die, ya know?"

You took a deep breath before swinging open the door. The person looked a little shocked and blinked a few times.

"O-oh um, I believe the postman drop your package at my house by accident."

They held out a medium sized box to you and you took it. They waved with a smile and left your front yard.
You slowly closed the door with the box still in your hands.

"Geesz,  (y/n), your heart's beating like a humming bird!"

You just looked at silver with a blank face.

He floated over to you and turned his unknowns into limb and wrapped an arm around your shoulder.

"Come on, (y/n), it's not that bad! Everyone deals with a little bit of anxiety sometimes!" He said with that sweet smile.

It did make you feel a little better. But then the thought of being forced to work in a group activity at school cam to your mind.

"Why is it so hard!?" You said raising your hands for emphasis

That was a mistake, as the box dropped on the floor which made a smashing sound.

"Ah sh*t..."

"Hey (y/n)! Why don't we practise socialising!" Silver suggested with that God damn adorable smile

"No, I hate that idea."

"Great!  Mission Start!"

===time skip brought to you by sick L.J: I have a soar throat, so I can't laugh....==

Currently,  you were sat down on your floor with a very upset looking Ben in front of you.

"Why did I agree to this..."

"Because, your helping (y/n)."

"When you said I'd get to see more of her, I didn't think you meant just staring into her eyes!"

"Maintaining eye contact is crucial to socialising."

Ben rolled his eyes and proceeded to look you in the eye. This lasted about 0.25 seconds as you quickly looked away from him.

"Oh my god... will you just look at me!" He said furiously pointing to his eyes

You kept looking away with a pout on your face.

"It's fine ley's just try again." Silver said determined

So the next try lasted about 2 seconds, negative 2 seconds that is. 10 tries later and you still couldn't do it.

"You know what,  f*ck this, I'm out!" Ben said leaving

Silver sighed and looked at your layer out for know the floor. He sat down in from of your and nudged your shoulder.

"Hey, why don't you practise with me?"

You looked up at silver before slowly sitting up and straight and sighing.

"Okay then..."

You locked gazes with him, trying to keep  your face as straight as possible. You failed miserably. You broke out in a happy grin with a blush tinting your face red. Silver smiled and laughed along with you. Suddenly,  you failed set yourself get pushed down to the floor with the black haired beauty over you.


"(Y/n), you have very pretty eyes..."

Your blush darkened as silver's eyes flickered down to your lips. You closed your eyes and savoured the moment as you felt his lips cover your own. His mouth moved along with yours in perfect harmony making you feel those familiar butterflies in your abdomen. After a few seconds, he pulled away and tested his for head against yours.


"Much. Much better."

=extended ending=

Ben opens the door to your room expecting to just see you still laying on the floor with silver giving you words of encouragement.

"Hey silver have you seen my-"

Immediately you and silver break apart from your kiss and sit up straight as if nothing had happened.

"Oh so now you wanna get down with it and 'see more of (y/n)' 'cuz I left!" Ben said with a very pissed off look.

"Come on Ben,  calm down..." you reasoned.

His eyes flashed a darker shade of red.

" Y O U   S H O U L D N ' T   H A V E   D O N E   T H A T "


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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