A burden lifted is a burden added

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Ziva pov: after talking with abby I felt like a burden had been lifted. Then another replaced it. After nearly losing everyone I love, I can not afford to jeopardize them any more! Especially tony. I get back home and begin to get ready for bed. When I turn the tv on the movie tony put in was still on. I stopped and watched while replaying all of last nights events. What did abby mean by tony cares for me too?🚪knocking🚪 I grab my gun and peek through the port hole, or is it peek I can never remember, and see tony.

Z: what are you doing here tony?

T: good you got your gun.

Z:what? What is going on?

T: Abby's car blew up and now she's in the hospital in a coma.

Z: I need to go see her.

T:(worried) no gibbs told me to stay with you.

Z:why? I do not need protection.

T: but you do. Who ever planted the bomb is after you,so yes you do need protection.


T: whoever it is, is after gibbs and wants to hurt him the best way to do that is to hurt his team.

Z: could it have to do with the case?

T: I don't know but I'm not leaving until we catch them.

Z: fine make yourself at um home.

I really wanted to see abby and hunt down who was after us. I was also worried about gibbs, she is like a daughter to him. For the mean time maybe it is a good thing tony is here, it might give me the chance to see what abby meant.

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