Abby ziva

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Ziva pov: abby starting sobbing so I did something that I usually do not but this is abby. So I wrap her in a abby sized hug. We stayed that way for a while.

Abby:*still sniffing* he asked if I saw my self still with mcgee 5yrs down the road......,possibly married.

Ziva:(still hugging abby as she cries) (asking gently) and what did you tell him?

Abby: I didn't know what to say. Thinking that far ahead scares me and I'm not sure about the whole marriage thing.

Ziva:(pulls out of the hug to look her in the eyes) abby you do not have to worry about it right now. Just enjoy what you and mcgee have right now and live in the present. (Abby nods)

🎁🐱lol looks like the cat is out of the box! Lol I no it's short but Im getting the next part edited and cleaned up and it will be up soon. The next part is happening right after this like as in 2 or 3 seconds later! And I know this was suppose to be a mcabby AND tiva but bare with me I'm building up to something! Epppp

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