I am here

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I am here

Pain sprouting wells on broken skin

Birthing serenity in river eyes

I clearly watch you from behind the haze

I am still here.

The silent madness in the air

Is choking molecules of oxygen

Making blood crawl up to my temples

Tapping to the tune of Vivaldi's La Stravaganza.




I am still here.

Skies are pouring down your cheeks

Dripping  memories of us

On torturously murdered skin

Once known as me,

Once known as yours.

Forsaken bile filled creature

You once called your flower

Is now  blooming 

pus colored tears

Of longing.

I am still here.

My stripped down soul haunting

A pile of renegaded flesh

That has once been your lover

Is mercifully pleading for

One last kiss

To acknowledge that

I am still here.

Plant one last kiss

On my weathered forehead

For it to grow rainbows

Like the ones we used to photograph.



I was here.

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