How you meet

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Bruce Banner (Hulk) :

You walked into the crowded coffee shop and ordered yourself a cup of coffee. Looking around for an empty seat, you see a cute man sitting by himself reading the paper. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" you ask. "Um, n-no." he replies, looking away from the paper to look at you. "May I sit with you?" "Sure" "I'm (Y/N), by the way." You say, sitting in the empty chair "Nice to meet you (Y/N). I'm Bruce" he says, sticking out his hand from you to shake.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye) :

You were Tony's sister and today Tony wanted you to meet the team. Walking into the Avenger's tower, you see a man carrying a bow and arrows, and decided to ask him if he knows where Tony is. "Excuse me do you know where I can find Tony Stark?" You ask him. "He's probably up in his lab. I can take you there if you'd like" the man answers. "Yes please." You reply. "We can take the elevator." he says, walking towards the elevator. "By any chance is your name (Y/N)?" "Yes" you nod your head. "So you're Tony's little sister?" he ask. "Yeah." You hear the elevator ding, signaling that you reached the floor that the lab was on. You both walk towards the lab. "Thanks for the help" you say. "You're welcome. And I'm Clint by the way" he winks at you then walks back to the elevator.

Loki Laufeyson (Loki) :

You looked at the clock only 30 minutes until your shift here is over. You worked at the library which was a fun job for you since you're a book worm. Hearing the door to the library door open you put your book down. "Welcome to the New York library. If there's anything I can help you with just let me know" You say to the man that had just walked in. You had to admit that he was quite handsome. "Yes, can you show me where the mystery section is please?" he asked. "Sure. Just follow me" you say standing up from your chair and heading towards the mystery section. "Thank you (Y/N)" he says, reading your name tag. "Your welcome" you say, then start walking away.

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) :

Pacing back in forth in the small room he had locked you in, his words kept repeating in your head. "When all of this is over and I rule the world, you will be my wife, wither you want to or not" he told you. You lived in New York and Loki just took you captive. You're suddenly brought out of your thoughts by the door opening. Looking up you see a gorgeous woman with red curls. "Stark, I don't see any civilians in this build- never mind. I see one" the woman says. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here" "(Y/N), my name's (Y/N)" you say. After escaping, you both get into a plane. "I know we just met but do you wanna go on a date next Thursday?" She asked as she landed the plane. "Sure" "Here's my number call me so we can work out the details" She hands you a paper with her phone number on it.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) :

You were Maria Hill's new assistant. Right now she was giving you a tour of the avengers tower. Walking into the recovery room you see a man with blond hair and blue eyes. "Who's that?" you asked. "That's Pietro" Maria tells you as y'all walk towards him "Hello Maria" he says. "Hey Pietro" Maria smiles. "Who's this gorgeous princessa with you?" he asked. "My name's (Y/N) and I'm not a painter or what you called me" you say. He laughs. "(Y/N), princessa means princess in Russian"Maria tells you. "Oh" your cheeks blush a dark red. "Maybe I'll see you around more princess (Y/N)" he say as before dashing off.

Steve Rogers (Captain America) :

Sokovia was flying?! Yep, Sokovia was flying and where were you? You were cornered by 3 of Ultron's robots. As you stood there, the robots pulled out their guns. You're waiting for the robots to kill you when suddenly you hear grunting and the banging of metal. After about 5 minutes you lift your head up from your squashed position and see all of the robots dead on the floor and Captain America in front of you. "Are you all right ma'am?" he asked. You nodded your head. "Let's get you out of here" he says, grabbing your hand and walks to the hovercraft. "Take good care of her" He tells the man on the hovercraft.

Thor Odinson (Thor) :

You were Frigga's head servant, catering to her every need. "Lady (Y/N)?" Frigga said. "Yes my queen?" you reply. "Call my son Thor to the throne room please, I wish to speak with him privately" she tells you. "I'll call him right now my queen" you courtesed than walked to Thor's room. "Prince Thor, I come with a request from your mother" you say, knocking on the door. Opening the door, you are meet with a shirtless Thor. "Did I wake you up from your slumber?" "No lady (Y/N), I was just preparing for the day. Now what is my mother's request?" "She wishes to talk to you in the throne room" you said. "Please let my mother know that I will be there shortly" he says. "Yes my Prince" you courtesed, then walk back to Frigga.

Tony Stark (Iron Man) :

You were Tony's new assistant since Pepper resigned after their breakup. "Mr Stark" you say as you enter his office. He groans, "How many papers do I have to sign this time?" "None" "Then did you just come in here to state at your hot boss?" he asked. "Very funny. But I came to remind you that you have to do a presentation for city hall about VERONICA" you say, talking about his and Bruce's invention to contain the Hulk. "I'd rather do something else" he says, winking at you, causing you to roll your eyes. "Just please start getting ready. You're limo will be here in an hour" you said then walk out swaying your hips from side to side just to tease him.

Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) :

You were Pietro's best friend. Pietro asked you to come over to Stark tower to hangout with him. Walking into the living room, you see Pietro and someone who you assume is his girlfriend. "Hey (Y/N)" he said. "Hey" "(Y/N), this is Tony's adapted sister Wanda. Wanda this is my best friend (Y/N)" he says, introducing you two. "Hi (Y/N)" Wanda says with a smile. "Hi"

A/N: Thanks for reading my book. Sorry that some where longer than others. Please vote, comment, and request.

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