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Bruce Banner (Hulk) :

His: He calls you Angel. Ever since you guys started dating he felt more calm and relaxed so he calls you Angel because he thinks that you were sent here to help him, save him, and protect him.

Yours: You call him smarty. He's smarter than a lot more smart.

Clint Barton (Hawkeye) :

You both call each other babe because it's simple, short, and sweet.

Loki Laufeyson :

His: He calls you queen. After about 3 months of dating he knew that you were the one and that he wouldn't want to be with anyone else and he promised himself that one day he'll make you his queen.

Yours: You call him king. Since he calls you queen you felt that you should call him king.

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) :

Hers: She calls you baby girl because she knew you were always gonna be there for her and she was gonna be there for you and plus she's always gonna protect you

Yours: You call her Nat because she didn't want any other nickname.

Pietro Maximoff (Quicksilver) :

His: He calls you princess because when he saw you you took his breath away. You were just a beautiful, if not more beautiful than a princess.

Yours: You call him speedy because of his powers.

Steve Rogers (Captain America) :

His: He calls you darling because that's what men called their girls in the 1940's.

Yours: You call him sweetheart because he's so nice to everyone and everything, except bad guys of course.

Thor Odinson :

His: He calls you love because you're his one and only love and no one can take you away from him.

Yours: You call him babe because it's your way of letting the girls that are flirting with him know that he's yours.

Tony Stark (Iron Man) :

His: He calls you gorgeous because you're insecure and he called all of the girls from his past everything but gorgeous and he's glad he did because out of all the girls that have been in his life you're the only one that's gorgeous.

Yours: You call him sexy because let's face it he really is sexy.

Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch) :

Hers: She calls you cutie. When she first saw you she thought you were cute so when you got together she started calling you cutie.

Yours: You call her red because of her powers.

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