Chapter One

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I hope you enjoy it! I had to include Harry's "character" from BSE. I love Marcel, and I got an idea for a story. ♥

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“Harry… when are we gonna get there?” Marcel whined from the passenger’s seat. With one hand languidly rested on the steering wheel, I released a slightly annoyed sigh, but offered him a faint grin.

"When we get there." I replied, partially sarcastic.

Marcel looked out the window at the houses passing by. Out in the suburbs, the cookie-cutter houses all looked the same, minus a few cosmetic differences. Each lawn was perfectly mowed, with shrubs near the foot of the driveway. The homes were all painted boring, drab colors, mostly earth tones, and it all seemed too artificial, like a movie set.

Marcel wringed his hands together anxiously, which had been a nervous habit of his for years. His body rocked back and forth slowly, but his eyes stayed fixed outside. With a long, pale finger, he traced patterns onto the window’s fogged glass, and pushed his glasses further up onto the bridge of his nose.

He turned to me with an enthusiastic smile, "School's gonna be fun, huh?"

I chuckled, and reached over to ruffle his neatly combed hair, “Bunches of fun.” I replied, though my gut feeling told me otherwise. I couldn’t let Marcel know that, though. I had to put on a brave face for the two of us.

My old car surged forward at a steady pace. The tires spun rapidly across a rain streaked road, and once it reached twenty minutes until eight, Marcel and I arrived at our new school. The building was huge and expansive, and it sat on a neatly presentable campus. The lawn was richly green, and a stature of the school's mascot, a tiger, guarded the front entrance.

"Are we here? Are we really here?" Marcel asked anxiously, nearly bouncing from his seat. I laughed and circled the parking lot, passing by rows of shiny, new sedans before parking my grumbling red 1965 Chevelle beside a new 2013 Mercedes-Benz.

"Yeah, buddy. We're really here." I put the car in park and killed the engine. I reached into the backseat, grabbing my backpack. Marcel fumbled with his stack of new notebooks and sharpened pencils in his lap before nervously gathering them in his arms, hugging them against his chest.

I opened the door and lazily slung the backpack over my shoulder. The air was a bit chilly for mid-September, and thick clouds hung overhead in the sky. It smelled like rain and lawn clippings in comparison to the smoggy, car exhaust smell we had left behind in the big city. This sudden move was a big change, and I knew it would take major adjustment.

I looked over the hood of the car towards Marcel, who stared back at me with mirroring green eyes behind thick-rimmed glasses. His face exerted a sense of fear mixed with excitement, and a silly grin toyed at his lips. "Come on, let's go." I told him as I nodded towards the building.

We walked side-by-side as we passed by clusters of people surrounding their cars. A few stares followed us as we walked, but I kept my eyes forward. Marcel struggled to match my pace, nearly tripping over his own two feet. "Harry, I'm really excited. Boy, am I excited!" He said. He laughed in his usually goofy way, and nudged me with his bony elbow. I heard a few people mutter things beneath their breath as we passed by them, but instead, I turned to Marcel and nodded in agreement. "Good. I am, too." I lied.

Marcel and I pushed our way through the double doors of the school and my nose immediately recognized the smell of cleaning products as a janitor pushed a mop in front of us. Marcel stepped over the streak of water on the floor, careful not to slip, and anxiously pushed his glasses up, again. "Come on. Follow me." I told him.

The Styles Twins (Marcel + Harry Styles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora