Chapter Two

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The entire morning, I felt my stomach twisted into fits of fear and anxiety. I found it difficult to focus on my assignments, but managed to breeze through them fairly easily. Nobody made any efforts to talk to me, but kept their eyes glued to me from afar, like I was some sort of science project. Something to poke and pry at and watch, like a fish in an aquarium.

When the last class of the morning ended, everyone hurried towards the cafeteria in a mob. Clutching onto the strap of my backpack, I began to push my way through the door before being stopped by a voice calling me from behind my back.

"Excuse me, Mr. Styles?" I stopped in my tracks, allowing everyone else to pass by me and squeeze through the door, and cocked my head towards the teacher, perched behind her desk. She smiled, not showing her teeth, and motioned for me to come towards the desk. My mind was in a fuss, wanting to check up on Marcel, and make sure he made it to lunch safely. Lunchtime was always a good target time, and every single day, guaranteed, a herd of jocks would be gathered in front of the doors, giving him his daily dose of misfortune.

I approached her and managed to smile a little. "Is something wrong?" I asked, curiously. She shook her head. "No. I just wanted an opportunity to get to know the new student." She hadn't quit smiling. She was decent looking, maybe in her mid-forties, and had crows feet around a pair of big hazel eyes. Her demeanor was kind and gentle, so I made myself relax a little.

"So, how are you Harry?" She leaned across her desk, folding her hands, "Do you like this school so far?" I subtly eyed the clock mounted on the wall above the whiteboard, and nodded. "Sure. It's great." I replied, hoping she didn't catch my heavy sarcasm.

"Good, good," she beamed, "I don't mean to keep you very long, but I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining our school's literature club. My own daughter is president of the club, and she's always looking to recruit more members."

A literature club? I enjoyed reading books, sure, but a whole club dedicated to it?

I shrugged, "I don't know--"

"It'll be a great way to make friends. We meet after school, just for an hour. It'll be fun! Plus, from the writing exercise I gave you in class, I know that you're very smart. We could always use good members, such as yourself." I thanked her for her compliment, but still felt apprehensive.

"Think about it. Okay?" I nodded.

"Fair enough."

I didn't want to be rude and turn around and storm out, but I was beginning to panic. My mind pictured Marcel wandering around the hallways, scared and alone, standing there as an easy target. "If you don't mind, I really need to check on something." I finally said.

"Oh, of course! Sorry to keep you waiting. I hope you take my proposal into consideration!" I adjusted the strap of my backpack, and began walking backwards towards the door. "I will... Mrs...?"

"Fremont. Mrs. Fremont."

"Right. Thank you!" I faced forward and navigated my way around the winding hallways, hoping to stumble upon the cafeteria. Finally, my eyes focused on the wide open double doors, and I hurried inside.

The place was already packed with people, all in clusters in round tables, talking in loud voices while smacking on less-than-appealing food. My eyes scanned the crowd, hoping to catch sight of Marcel. Panic enveloped me, but I knew I was bound to find him. I just hoped it wasn't too late.

I stormed across the room, weaving through people. A few stares bore into me, but I brushed them off.

"Harry! Over here, Harry!" I heard the familiar voice of my brother shriek. I whipped around on my heels, peeking over the large crowd, spotting Marcel at a table in the far corner. His hand was high in the air, waving wildly, drawing a few unwanted stares.

The Styles Twins (Marcel + Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now