Chapter One

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Hagrid led me out the back of the pub to get the things I'll need for my year at Hogwarts. I watched as Hagrid used his dingy umbrella to tap the bricks. I nervously looked on as the bricks separated and created a doorway.
"Welcome to Diagon Ally Harry!" Hagrid exclaimed motioning to the large crowd of witches and wizards.
The first place Hagrid took me to, after Gringotts of course, was Madam Malkin's robe shop. Walking in I was immediately hit with a nose full of comforting scents. I relaxed my shoulders which I only now realized were tensed. I was so busy looking around and absorbing my surroundings as much as possible that I didn't see the two people in front of me until it was too late.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you." I apologized as quickly as I could while rubbing my sore nose. A blond boy only a little taller than me turned and observed me, all the while rubbing the back of his head where we made collision.
"Watch where your going next time boy." The taller blond sneered at me.
"No father, it's okay. My names Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He stuck his hand out for me to shake.
"I'm Harry Potter. It's nice to meet you Draco. Again I'm sorry for bumping into you." I said, returning the handshake.
"Harry Potter! Wow, it's a pleasure to meet the boy who live." His expression was one of shock and pride, which confused me. The only reason I could tell was because of all the years of reading in between the lines with Uncle Vernon and his guests. I opened my mouth to reply when both Draco and I were ushered back to be fitted for our robes. "So Harry are you getting robes for Hogwarts?" He asked, standing next to me.
"Yeah it's my first stop here in Diagon Ally." I kept my answer short since I don't know much about about any of this yet.
"Who are you here with?" A quizzical eye was turned my way.
"Oh, I'm here with Hagrid." I smiled slightly at the memory of the half giant who saved me from the Dursley's.
"Hagrid! The gatekeeper at Hogwarts? My father told me he's a savage. Lives in a hut and gets drunk sometimes and try's to do magic and ends up setting his bed on fire." His face morphs to one of disgust. "I don't understand why they let a low life like him stay at Hogwarts. Not like he does much of anything useful." I had a sudden burst of anger towards Draco just as we finished getting fitted.
I turned to face him. My anger must have shown because his smug face turned to confusion. "Well if your done insulting the only person who cares for me, I'll be leaving now Malfoy!" I spit out his name and see hurt flash across his face before I turned on my heel and stormed out.
"Harry! Harry wait up!" Hagrid was calling after me. Letting him catch up and catch his breath, he questioned me. "Why'd you storm out Harry?"
"I was mad at Malfoy for insulting you. Who does he think he is, having the right to judge everyone." It hurt my chest to think about him in a bad way, but I don't know why. All I know is that I'm mad at him.
"He's a Malfoy, Harry. It's what they do and what they've always done. Don't let him get to you." I nodded my head in agreement and we continued our trip in Diagon Ally.
When we got to Olivander's wand shop, Hagrid left me to get my own wand. I walked into the dark, dusty shop. It was filled to the roof with little rectangular boxes. I noticed there weren't many decorations, and wondered why he didn't try to brighten the place up a little bit.
"Hello? Is anyone here?" I questioned quietly, walking deeper into the store. As I approached the desk, a head of grey hair popped out from behind a shelf.
"Ah, Mister Potter. I was wondering when I would see you around here." As he started handing me wands, I realized why he didn't have decorations. After destroying half of Olivander's, I finally found the right wand. Mr. Olivander got a little too close for comfort, but I pushed it aside since he was answering some of my questions.
Hagrid knocked on the window so I paid for my wand and hurried outside to meet him.
"Happy Birthday Harry!" He said rather loudly, holding up a beautiful white owl. I smiled widely and gave him a big hug. As we made our way out of Diagon Ally, I couldn't help but be excited to go to Hogwarts.

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