Chapter Three

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I awoke to the sound of knocking on my door. "What...? Come in..." I hollered sleepily.

"Harry, can we please talk?" Draco stood at the door.

"I guess so..." This is it. Now hes going to reject me completely just like everyone else. If he is disgusted enough he may even hit me. I probably deserve it anyway. I looked down preparing my self for the pain I knew was coming. I have not known him long but my heart aches at even the thought of losing him.

"Listen, last night I think we had a misunderstanding." Draco sat down of the side of my bed gently.

"I understand that you don't want to be my friend anymore but please-" Draco cut me off.

"NO! No, no, no, I still want to be your friend!" He jumped to his feet looking anxious. "I thought- no the whole wizarding world thought you were treated like a prince at your relatives house. Last night I was just mad at finding out how you were actually treated." 

"Speaking of, Mr. Potter, you will get dressed immediately and make your way to the hospital wing for a check up now that this new information has come to light." Professor Snape appeared in the doorway. "Draco, see if you can tame his unruly hair of his before you go to class." He turned swiftly and left with a snap of his robes behind him.

"So Harry, what do you plan on wearing today? After all, today is the day to make a lasting impression." My face flushed in shame. I went to my trunk and pulled out an old gray shirt with holes in it, large baggy pants with an old frayed belt, old socks, and converse that had a large rip in the seaming between the sole and the fabric. 

Keeping my head down with my hair covering my face, I looked up at Draco threw my eyelashes. He looked disgusted if the sneer on his face was anything to go by. I looked back down, concentrating on the floor to try and stop myself from crying.

"You don't have to be seen with me. We can simply be friends here in the dorm behind closed doors." My voice was shaky and pain ripped threw me as the words came out of my mouth, but I wanted to keep him as my friend so much I was willing to be his 'dirty little secret'. Now was not the time to be selfish and bring down his status; drag him threw the mud with me. I would never want that for him. I looked from his clean, pressed silk shirt, and dress pants made from the finest material they could be made from, all the way down to his clean and neatly folded black socks and shiny black dress shoes that showed exactly where his rightful status lies. I suddenly found my self wondering why he would even want to be friends with me at all.

"No," he grabbed my hand and dragged me to his trunk. " Put these on." He handed me a set of neatly folded clothes very similar to his own.

"Draco... thank you, but I can't take your clothes."

"Just wear them until you get your own, okay? Trust me when I say you will not continue to wear those rags." I smiled at him and quickly striped down and put on the clothes Draco had given me. They were too big but they immediately shrunk themselves to fit my small frame. "There much better already. Now we just have to fix your hair and go down to breakfast. Then while I go to classes you will go see Madame Pomfrey. When I nodded my head he sat me down in a chair and started running his fingers threw it. Eventually he got frustrated and started using a brush, and when not even that worked he started using gel. When even gel couldn't keep it down he gave up with a sigh.

"I'm sure it at least looks better than before you touched it." It was amazing that he was able to do anything at all since the whole time he was running his finger threw my hair I had just wanted to lean into his touch.

"Of course it does, i'm a Malfoy. Now come on we have to get to breakfast. I bet there is a lot of stuff there that you haven't tried before that are really good. I was so happy I let Draco pull me out of the room by my hand as he continued to talk the whole way down to the Great Hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2017 ⏰

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