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THE PHOTO ATTATCHED IS A SELFIE OF ME FOR THE 17th CHAPTER (ik ik im ugly sorry for putting you through this pain of looking at my face) AND IM WITH THE PUPPY IM GETTING SOON SO COMMENT SOME NAME IDEAS

We have 8k btw !!!

Kiara's P.O.V.

We eventually arrived at the boys' house and I decided to sleep there because I figured that the boys will be hungover in the morning and will need some help.

"You can sleep in my room, Kiara. I'll sleep on the couch." Michael told me.

"No, no. It's fine, I don't want to intrude." I laughed.

"No ifs ands or buts. You're sleeping in my room. You're the guest." He smiled.

"You're positive?"

"Yes. Now cmon." He chuckled.


The next morning I woke up and concluded that no one was awake because it is 11:30 am and they're hungover.

I was trapped in my own thoughts thinking about my parents.

I miss my mom. She was the best, she always took care of me and made sure I was doing okay. She knew about my eating disorder a while back and always made sure I was eating right.

My father on the other hand, was never a good person. He had a short temper, always. If I would ask for something at the store when I was little, he would always say no. But my mother gave in and bought me whatever it was because she came from an unfortunate family growing up and wanted to give me what she couldn't afford.

My father grew up with a rich family so he always had what he wanted. He had it easy. He didn't have to work for what he wanted, he could get anything by asking his parents for it.

He didn't care about us. But he stayed. I don't know why, but she stayed. He stayed and brought us pain with his staying. He shouldn't have stayed, but he did. And he brought pain, a lot of it.

I don't know why he killed my mother, but he did. And I can't do anything about it. She's not coming back and I can't do anything to change it.

I began sobbing. Not crying, sobbing. My shoulders began to shake violently and I sucked in harsh breaths with caused me to choke on my tears and air. I tried to calm down and not make noise but it ended up with me crouching down holding my sides and mouth trying to not cry and be a whimp but it hurt too much holding in my cried and it came to the loss of breath which hurt and I let out another sob and a yelp of pain.

I paced around the room holding my mouth with my right hand and my left hand clenching my stomach.

I heard noise outside of the room I'm in so I tried to calm down again but it didn't work and it hurt too much so I let out a loud sob which sucked because not only am I crying out loud and possibly everyone in the house heard me but I sound stupid because I can't breath and I'm crying aloud.

I'm just a mess.

broken home ❁ luke hemmings [DISCONTINUED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin