Chapter 1

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*Katherine's POV*

I was absentmindedly writing in my journal as Christina drove, the van shaking now and then when we hit bumps in the road. The noise in the van on this particular drive was much louder than normal, and considering we get loud, especially on the way to shows, that's saying a lot.

Lauren and Dani were shouting about how excited they are as they basically jumped up and down in their seats, Amy laughing at them as her and Lisa video-taped them and Christina laughed along.

I sighed, wishing that I could be as happy and excited about this show as they all are. I mean it's not everyday that you get to perform the National Anthem for the United States Women's National Soccer team after they had just won the World Cup. I wanted to be happy, I really do. But lately I've just felt so off.

I felt like the loneliness would consume me. I sighed, when I noticed I had pressed too hard on the paper and poked a hole through it, wishing I didn't feel this way. It's time like these I felt like an alien that nobody seemed to care enough to try to understand.

Not only did Jessica, my longtime friend just stop talking to me for no reason, but I also wish I still had someone who loved me. Who would tell me about their day, and listen to mine, and hug and hold me, and just watch stupid movies with. But it seems everytime I find that they lie to me or cheat on me or both. I wondered, not for the first time, whether I'd ever find someone who didn't lie to me. Someone who didn't find it so easy to forget me. No I'd probably die alone with all of Lisa's cats.

I was broken out of my reverie when Lisa tapped my shoulder, looking concerned.

"Hey Kath. Can I read?' She asked, no doubt knowing what she'd find. I knew she wouldn't take no for an answer, so i reluctantly handed my journal over.

Three months.

It wasn't long.

I can't say it meant much, just your average

Hopes soaring, hopes crushed

A handsome face with a shy smile and deep brown eyes

I thought he was going to be


I thought he was going to give me a


I thought he wanted to know who I was

Underneath the outer layers,

Peeled back to the raw soul

If only, if only

Those three months are simply wind-chimes now-

An ancient, wistful song

Trickling through

The noise of busy days and stuffed calendar pages

I can't hear his voice in my ears so much anymore

I can't say that I've shed tears

I can' say that I put my whole heart into him

He said to me,

"Depth over distance,"

But he never showed me the depths of what his heart contained

And the distance grew each day,

Silence stacked

A thousand and seventy

Miles high

Unsaid Things ( A Cimorelli And USWNT Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now