C H A P T E R 2_

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(song: "Gasoline" by Halsey)

As impressive as the little vessel carrying us all is, my surprise is even greater at the base we return to. Upon approaching the thick clouds by morning, almost magically the base's camouflage disappears and reveals an aircraft carrier almost twice the normal size, flying with massive jets and propelling engines like something from Star Wars. Romanoff steers us around as I stare out the window in a bit of awe, though I don't want to admit it.

Since the carrier is moving and at a tremendously high altitude we land the ship in an inside deck and let the doors close before we leave the small vessel. We are met by guards at the entry to take both Loki and I to the prison cells for keeping. We make our way through the halls of the huge base, lit up by false lighting. Loki hasn't said a word to me since watching the others fight before. And I don't care. He's the last person on earth I want to hear speak. But I'm still determined to make him suffer. Even if I can't kill him.

The cell we share is better than any prison cell on earth. I think it might be impenetrable to more than even an Asgardian. And since they don't think me as large a threat as him and that the cell must be shared, they allow us some furniture which is just a couple chairs, a little table, and two "beds". But there are a few books I suspect for myself. The man in charge, Director Fury, doesn't seem to care at all about Loki's comfort. And the only way I was permitted to be here was if I was locked up, the others warning about me being a high threat. Seems they found my history of hacking them and other things I did in order to find Loki to begin with. In their mind I am an enemy of them. In fact I think only Tony Stark has any mildly positive thoughts for me. To everyone else I am a threat or maybe just a nuisance.

Except Loki. Who doesn't care for me enough to consider me that even; a threat. He knows I can't kill him so being the arrogant person he is he doesn't even look at me.

And now that we are so confined, this cell being larger than most prison cells though feeling as small as a shoe box, my hatred for him burns brighter than ever before. I hate him. I hate everything inside him and I want to see him dead more than anything else in this world. He destroyed the ones I care about and I want justice.

 He destroyed the ones I care about and I want justice

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I sit in one of the chairs. I glance at the cameras again before saying, "So, since we are going to be cell mates, I just want to get one thing clear. If you do anything to provoke me. Anything at all, I won't hesitate to hurt you." 


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