Chapter 14

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Sorry about my rant

Sorry about sucking at updating

~Chapter 14~

Connor's POV:

"What are we going to do until then?" I ask.

"We could go down to the boardwalk," Jc suggests.

"Ooh yeah I love boardwalks," Shoshana agrees. The rest of us are down for it so we start getting ready.


Jc's POV:

"See you guys in a bit," I say, pulling my keys out of my pocket.

"Hopefully I'll see you guys again soon!" Elena says waving back at all of them.

"I guarantee it," I look at her with a smile. We both climb into the car and I drive her to work, aka the GameStop I met her at yesterday.

"Thanks for letting me stay with you guys. I had a really great time," she remarks as I put the car in park.

"Me too. And I know everyone else did."

"Promise this isn't the last time I see you?"

"Cross my heart. I'll text you tonight."

"K. See you later." With that, Elena gets out of the car and leaves. I put the car in reverse, back out of the space, and I drive home.

Now I know how Ricky felt.

Trevor's POV:

We were sitting at the house when Shohana's mom texted her, telling her she needed to go home. Neither Shoshana or I can drive, so Ricky offered to take us.

We're both now sitting in the back of Ricky's car. We drive almost in silence, aside from the radio playing quietly in the background.

"It's the next one on the right," Shoshana points out for Ricky.

"Thanks," he says and pulls into the driveway two seconds later. Shoshana and I both get out of the car. I walk her up to the front door.

"I had a really great time," she smiles, "with you guys and the girls."

"Yeah, me too." I shove my hands in my pockets.

"I hope we do this again."

"We will," I say nodding at her, smiling.

"Good. Well I should probably go."

"Okay. I'll text you later," I kiss her on the cheek. "Bye," I turn on my heel and make my way toward the car.

"Bye," she says behind me. I hear the front door to the house open and close before I get in the passenger seat.

Ricky turns to me with one hand on the wheel. "Sucks, doesn't it?"

I can't help but chuckle a little. "Yeah."

He pats me on the shoulder and turns to back out of the driveway.

Kian's POV:

Alex and I grab our penny boards. Her house isn't too far, so we skate to it. She surprisingly picked it up really quickly, considering how much she was struggling with it yesterday.

Yesterday kinda sucked. Of course, before Alex came along. I woke up already in a funk, then Andrea and I broke up. I felt so sad, then I saw Alex. She was trying so hard on the penny board, but couldn't get it. I helped her, and her smile was brighter than when you light up a Christmas tree in a dark house. It was just as beautiful too. It brought me even more joy.

Now I have to say goodbye to that joy, at least only for a little while. I'm going to miss her, even though she lives so close to us. I will miss her smile and her laugh and how she turned my shitty day completely around.

My thoughts are interrupted. "Kian? Kiaaaaan," she says, waving her hand in front of my face. We're stopped at her front door.

"Huh... what?" I ask.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I grin, "just thinking about how much I'm gonna miss you."

"Kian, we met yesterday," she says a little awkwardly.

"I know, you just made my day a lot better than it started out yesterday."

"Okay, well I'm not far. And you have my number. I'll see you later, Kian."

"You too," I smile cheekily once again before she goes into her house and closes the door behind her. I get on my board and skate back home, sad that Alex left but glad that she came into my life.

You guys I literally feel so horrible

I'm so sorry I haven't updated in literally months I've just had so much going on

I have one quick question that I think you guys can help with because Google sucks:

There's this guy that likes me even though I've broken up with him twice. Tf do I do? He's so nice and I don't want to reject him but he's still crazy for thinking it'll be any different this time. Ugh

Thanks for sticking with this book you guys it means a lot and I'll try my best to update as much as I can

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