Chapter 1.

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"Get up, you'll be late again!" 

I keep hearing this every day. My big brother is like my mum. He is taking care of me just like I'm a baby, that's why he doesn't know anything about me life. Since my mum passed away and my dad starting to date this horrible woman, or should I say girl, my life changed a lot. I was born in a really rich family, but all I wanted was love. When I was little my parents were always far away, working or traveling all around the world, without me. I stood with a nanny. I loved her so much, she was the only one who could stay up all night to listen to my problems and stories. 

"I'm always late. People are getting used to it." I said while covering my face with a pillow. 
"Not today! It's the big day, Aye."
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"I can't believe you forgot that today is the party. Everyone is invited. Even Marcel."

I didn't respond and I got out of bed, running straight to my closet. I was waiting for this party since the principal said about it, like 2 years ago. Everyone was waiting. It's going to be big! 

"I'm wondering if Marcel will dance." I giggled. 
"I don't even know if he will be there. I'm sure it's his first party.”

I decided to wear a short, light-pink dress and a pair of zebra print high heels. Simple but effective. After I finished my makeup I messaged Troye, my boyfriend.

"I'm ready, babe! See you in front of the park in 10 minutes."

We always meet in the park. It's the most beautiful and romantic place I've even seen. Every girl loves Troye and sometimes I'm shocked that he chose me. All happened there, in the park, when he was dared to kiss me. He is that kind of popular lad, the captain of the football team, but he is not a brat. He is always there for me.


"H-hi, Aye!" I heard Marcel mumbling.
"Erm, hey Marcel." I respond, a little bit surprised about the fact that he could talk out of classes. "What do you want?"
"A-am I invited t-to the party?"
"Yes, everyone is."

He looked like he wanted to say something more, but he stopped when he saw Troye coming. It's obvious that he is afraid of Troye, most of the lads are. Marcel ran away.

"What does he wants? Did that nerd bother you, love?" 
"Nothing much, he just asked about the party, so he is going to be there."
"That means we are going to laugh. I can't wait to see him playing Truth or Dare with us." he said, leaving a little kiss on my cheek, as he went to the gym with his mates.

I was wondering what Marcel wanted to tell me. 


"Let's play Truth or Dare!" said Gwen, with a bitchy voice.
"That's what we all waited for!" shouted Troye. 
"Who is going to ask first?"
"Gwen, she came with the idea." I said, knowing that she doesn't like asking.
"Okay, then I'm going to ask Marcel first. Even if he doesn't want to play, he will." she pulled him closer. "Truth or dare?"

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