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Phenix's POV (Me (: )

I was lying in bed, not wanting to get up. I opened my eyes and saw a spider.  

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed, and started to run to my ladder down to the floor of my room. But I realised that the spider was not a spider at all. It was a piece of fuzz. I simply just sighed and I looked outside, and it was shocking to see. A portal, siting there. I thought of minecraft, but it was not blocky or cubish. It was round. I had gone on other adventures like this, so instead of jumping in right away, I got things that I would need. 3 waterbottles full of water, a set of basic kitchenware for 3, extra clothes, my bow and arrows, a notebook and pencil, a package of food I had made up, which would cover for 3 days, 3 meals, what I had left for matches, and a pillow, just in case. I went outside and looked at the portal, and I felt amazing heat coming from the red, calm surface. I put my hand in it and put it flat, like I was pushing against a wall. It instantly started to dissapear, and I took it out. I could go through, unlike the portal a few weeks ago that had been locked by some sort of enchantment. I suddenly paniced, and my right hand instantly went to my left hand's index finger. The red ring was still there. It was cool, but I still had a weird feeling when I touched it. Like something needed to be added. I shrugged it off and steped into the portal and closed my eyes. After a few seconds I opened them again. There was other portals lined up to my left in color order.  

"The others must be here.." I thought to myself, and continued on. Suddenly the Blue portal was disturbed and Aqua came out.  

"Phenix! You're here!" Aqua called. I ran over to her and I smiled. 

"Hey Aqua. Do you think the others are here?" She shook her head. 

"No, they wouldn't be here, the portals have just popped up. I forgot my ring." She held up her left hand. I could see the silver and blue ring on her index finger. I held up my ring, with silver and red on the ring.

We heard a wooshing and the orange portal was disturbed. Butterfly came out, and in a swift fashion she took her ring out of her pocket and put it on, her color on her ring.

"Hey guys! Wha-" she said before the yellow, green, and purple portals were disturbed and out came Sol, Lush, And Sprite. They came walking over.  

"Sorry we're late to the party, ladies." Sprite said. Aqua and I rolled our eyes and started to walk to the big building. The others followed shortly after. Most times we are just sent here to go to the building and we are teleported back to our houses.

We got to the building and walked inside, ready to open our eyes back in our homes. But we went into the small, yet cozy room inside and took a left through the door. The long hallway was filled with all the same doors. The meeting rooms. Aqua and I went up to the first door there. Before I opened the door, I could hear people talking.  

"They are soon going to have their metamorphosis! The prophecy says so. They will find their true power." Aqua and I exanged a quick glance as I opened the door to find a man and a woman sitting at the head of the long meeting table. We sat down and the man and woman stood up.  

"Please take off your rings and put them in the center of the table." We all took them off and the man took them and left the room. I never completely have understood what they do with the rings, or why they take them when we are with important people. 

"Well, you actually sent us here. What do we need to do?" I asked. I was the team leader, so naturally I asked for the whole team. Sprite is second in command, Aqua our left hand lady, then the rest of the team.  

"As our radar suggests, You need to go into minecraft." the lady said. 


Hi! This here is the author's note. Okay, This is my Shadowlykos entry. If you have not seen it shadow, I think I might die. It took forever to even think of the idea. 

~Jinxx / Jaiden

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