Chapter 1: Honeymoon Phase

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July 10th, 2016

Dave cleared his throat dramatically then began, "I swear when you punched me on that street corner when I was 13 because I bumped into you I saw you in my future forever. That left hook was so mean I turned into That's So Raven. Who would've thought that today 15 years later I'd be marrying you? You've laughed with me when everything was up and you've held me while I cried when I was down. When I look at you I see perfection gracing this earth just to show everybody how it's done. Before you're my wife you're my best friend and that's why you're the love of my life. You are my N.I.G.G.A for life, oww!" He said sticking his tongue out causing everybody to laugh. "From the moment you entered my world, you have filled it with life and color. You are my rose, Bernice Marie, and I promise to devote my life to being your dirt." I looked at him oddly but chuckled. This man.

"I promise to be your lover, companion and friend. Your partner in parenthood, your ally in conflict, your greatest fan and your toughest adversary. Your comrade in adventure, your student and your teacher, your consolation in disappointment, your accomplice in mischief. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things. I'm forever grateful to just simply be in your presence let alone your wife. There's not a time where you weren't there to give me comfort and protection in those scary times. Oh man, I'm gonna cry..." I said nervously laughing looking away wiping the falling tear. "With your partnership nothing is impossible. After today we can embark on this journey of creating a family and getting this shmoneyy to build this empire!" Everybody laughed.

After we said I do and gave each other our rings we did a rose ceremony. That's where we exchange a single rose which symbolizes saying 'I love you.'

"Wakey, wakey!" I could hear Dave's voice say cheerfully. I opened my eyes moving my hair out of my face. I could replay our wedding in my dreams every night and never get tired of it. I looked over at the clock on the hotel room's nightstand that said 10am. I looked over at Dave who was shirtless chewing on something. "They brought breakfast." He said pointing to the balcony where I saw the table had food on it. I sat up and he leaned down kissing me. "Hm, that mouth a little ripe. Guess I should've let you brush your teeth first."

"Oh my God!" I said covering my mouth.

He shrugged. "It doesn't matter. We're married now. For better or for worse. For minty fresh breath or stank ass breath!" He laughed.

I smiled. We're really married. I am now Mrs. Brewster or as the public dubbed me, Mrs. East. We're currently in Saint Lucia for our honeymoon and have been here going on a week. Tonight's our last night here then we return back to reality. Last week on my birthday of July 3rd and after a year of being engaged we got married in Jamaica. I wanted a destination wedding and I got my wish because according to Dave I'm a spoiled brat. Plus, it made it easier on my dad who walked me down the aisle. It was perfect.

I got out of the bed going to brush my teeth and wash my face then went to the balcony sitting at the table with Dave. I began eating when Dave said, "So I was thinking last night while I was up in it..." I rolled my eyes. His mouth has no filter sometimes. "I think you should get off birth control. I'm tryna put a little Dave up in ya!"

I nearly choked on my orange juice. "We just got married, Dave."

"I know, but I'm not tryna be an old man when I have kids. The sooner we start the better. You know I want a lot of kids."

"I know I agreed to having your little army, but 4 kids, tops."

"Just four? I wanted six" He whined.

"6? Who do you think has to carry all those big head ass kids?! Me, not you. You want me to lose this body?"

"Don't be selfish! I want a basketball star, a football star, a musician-" I tuned him out continuing to eat.

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