Part III: Michael

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Part III: Michael

I arrived home that evening feeling awkward. It wasn’t exactly a bad awkward, but definitely awkward. Truth be told, I was kind of weird since yesterday afternoon or, to be more accurate, since I had met Danny. I couldn’t take him out of my head for long. I think I even dreamt about him, although I can’t remember what the dream was about. Then, when my mother had reminded me of my cousin’s party, I felt something very close to despair at not being able to meet Danny at the beach as I said I would.

And today, after we said our goodbyes and walk to our respective houses, it seemed to get even worse. I had just left him and already I couldn’t wait to be with him again. There was something about him I still couldn’t explain, but it attracted me like honey does flies. I thought I might be developing some sort of unhealthy obsession.

Plus, there was the story he told me about his brother. That also added to the awkwardness I was feeling. I have a brother too and I can’t imagine how it would feel to lose him like that, and at such a young age. No wonder Danny’s terrified of the ocean water. I was sorry for him, for both things. There was nothing I could do about his brother, but hopefully I could still help him in making peace with the sea. And I so wanted to do it!

                When I walked into my room Luke was there, wearing his new shirt and styling his hair in front of the mirror. I recalled he had a date with Danny’s friend tonight.

                “So, how do I look?” he asked, turning around to grin at me.

                I didn’t even listen to his words. In one single movement, I threw my bag to the bed and wrapped my arms tight around him. Now that I think of it, I probably ruined his impeccably ironed look. “I love you, Luke,” I mumbled into his shoulder.

                “That good, huh?” he chuckled, letting his own arms fall around me. Then, he realized I wasn’t joking. “Mike? What’s wrong?” He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me away from him so he could look at my face.

                “It’s… nothing.”

                Luke gave me a droll stare. Of course I would never fool him with such a meek try. I don’t know why I even tried. It’s not like I could keep anything a secret from him for much long.

                I huffed and let myself fall on my back and onto Luke’s bed. “It’s Danny…” I sighed.

                “Who’s Danny?” Luke asked, confused.

I rolled my eyes at him. “The guy with whom you played volleyball yesterday?”

“Oh, yeah. I didn’t get his name,” Luke sat beside me as I stared at the ceiling. “What’s with him?”

“I’m not sure…” I wanted to explain everything to Luke, I really did, but I didn’t know how to. I felt like I couldn’t even explain it to myself. “But there’s something… ever since I looked at him for the first time I had this feeling…”

“That you had met him before?!” Luke intervened, in a deep, ominous sounding voice that had me throwing a pillow at him.

“Of course not, you idiot!” I looked back at the ceiling. Ceilings seem to be good at helping you think. “More like I wish I had met him before. I don’t know if there’s anything wrong with me but… I can’t stop thinking about him ever since. I’m like, obsessed or something. I thought it might ease a bit after we hang out for a while this afternoon, but I think it just got worse and…”

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