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August, Armani, and Kali in the mm
Mani's outfit and the look she gave crystal.

I Really Did Miss You
3 weeks later

August (POV)

It's been three weeks since Armani's been in the hospital, and today they said she was healthy enough to finally get released. All we had to do was make sure she got the right amount of bed rest and make sure she took her meds. To say I was happy would be an understatement, I've been waiting for this since the day she was admitted into the hospital.

I've been coming to visit her everyday, but once she gets home it will be different. We won't have just a few hours to be around each other, but instead, we'll have all day. We'll have all our lives.

Since she's been in the hospital I've been bringing her the work she's missed from all her classes so she wouldn't fall behind. She's one of the smartest girls in that school— entirely too smart to fail her classes because of this minor set back.

During these three weeks me and Mani have been around each other non stop. She's been letting me into her heart, but not where I want to be. I want too know everything about her, all her fears, all the things that make her sad and all the things that put a smile on her face. I wanna know everything that makes her....her.

I waited in the living room, listening closely waiting for the door knob to jingle and reveal a beautiful Armani. After a little while my prayers were answered, there she stood looking as gorgeous as ever.

She walked into the house a little more—not noticing me sitting there. I debated on scaring her or not, but decided against it because I didn't want her to make any sudden movements that might cause her pain. I hopped up from the couch and ran to her, a breath taking smile gracing her face once she seen me.

She held out her arms for a hug, but I wanted more. I picked her up and started spinning her around in the air as she laughed and squealed for me to stop. It made my heart happy to see her this over joyed, even happier to know that I was the one causing her this joy.

"Auggie put me down, please!" She squealed in the air. I chuckled a little and set her down on her feet, holding her by her waist so she wouldn't lose her balance.

I looked at my mama and couldn't withhold my laughter at the face she was making. She stood frozen in the door way, wide eyed, and mouth stretched open. I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on  the cheek.

"Hey mama."

I heard her mumble something to herself that I couldn't quite comprehend, but I knew it was about me and Mani. I went back over to the couch but seen that Mani nor Kali were there.

I walked into the kitchen and seen Mani and Kali were actual rambling through the cabinets where the pots and pans were. I stared at her intensely when she rose from her kneeled posture and went to the refrigerator. She opened up the freezer compartment and pulled out a pack of drum sticks. She then went to the top cabinet and grabbed some seasonings, some spices I didn't know we had, and two boxes of kraft macaroni and cheese.

She looked around confused for a moment, but I guess she had a eureka moment because she quickly made her way back to the refrigerator and grabbed a can of biscuits.

Don't Forget About Me| August Alsina StoryWhere stories live. Discover now