Extra: our experience at Warped Tour 2013

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yesterday i (Dani_Silence) was at warped tour with kayla (doom_kat) and ill give you a recap and some tips...

me and my friend (who had slept over at my house) got up at 6 and got ready. by 7, us and my mom were out the door. we stopped to get breakfast for me and Kayla at the grocery store. i had an aple danish and a yogurt parfait, and she had an apple she ended up not eating. my mom forgetting to brew coffee at home, decided to stop off at Micky D's for some. we were waiting for almost 20 minutes in the drive through before my mom just go out of the car and yelled at the manager.

they had forgotten about our order, so it was just sitting in there. she got outside and we were off, a half hour behind scheduel. we got lost a littl due to some detours, but finally we got there! only right when we pulled into the parking lot, it began to DOWN POOR. not a little drizzle, no. i was almost ankle deep in water. so i had to run to the trunk and grab our stuff while getting drenched. my mom wanted to wait out the rain, so she stayed in the car while me and Kayla stood in line, with my dinkey little rainbow umbrella.

my mom came out realizing that she couldnt get her free ticket without us, with her huge umbrella and let some people in front of us stand under it. once the rain finally stopped, we had already become friendly with the people in fornt of us. they were declaired our line buddies and we began to talk about bans we wanted to see. this went on for almost an hour (by this time it was probably around 10:30) then people from some of the not as well known bands came out and were letting us listen to their music to see if we wanted to bey it or check them out... im horrible at saying no, so i had spent over 20$ before the doors even opened. 

this one guy came walking over to us clutching his "gypsy trinkets" and fort of rocking it back and forth like it was a baby. my friend Kayla said hi and he responded with "wanna be friends?" she responded with something like "hell yes!" and she asked why he was holding onto those things like a baby. he explained to us what gypsy trinkets are (his band's CD's) and then a member of his band came over and talked to us too.  they made us play a game where we guessed what they were in the band (me and Kayla guessed correctly). 

we then listened to their music and bought their CD (because i really liked it, not because they pressured me into it). they were really nice, and talked to us for a half hour about stuff, making us all laugh, but then they had to move on to talk to others, but before they left, they told us to try and check out their show (although if one of our favorite bands was playing at that time, to not) and go to their signing. Kayla nodded then said "you'll remember us if we do, right?" and they nodded and said yes (btw their band is called Young London check them out they are amazing!)

pic of me and Kayla and them----> Photo

(guy on right was the first one who came up to us) finally they started letting us through bag check and then got our tickets checked and we went to the giant blow up board thing where everything is posted. we wrote down the times and stages that our bands were playing and then realized it was only 11 and our first band didnt play til 1:30 so we walked around and Kayla bought some stuff. i tried to buy a BVB bandanna but they were out at the moment. we then decided to walk around and see when people were signing. (Andy Biersack at 3ish and same with Sleeping With Sirens) we then decided to go a set early to where BVB was playing so we could get close to the front. i dont remember who was playing, but i recognized a song they were playing so i didnt have to awkwardly stand there.

after they were done, we both rushed to get as close to the front as possile (6 rows was as close as we got) then we had the half hour or so wait for theme to come on. i had to listen to these two girls behind me talking about friggin 1D and how the blonde one is soooooooo hot and irish.. i wanted to stab them. i get it, you shouldnt judge others on their music taste at Warped because thats where a lot of people go to get away from judgment, but come on! and then they were like "im bi" then the other girl is "idk if i am, im pretty sure im straight border line bi." like wtf is that?

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