Chapter 6 x

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Chapter Six

[Niall’s POV]

I woke up as soon as the plane touched down. I stretched and noticed Harry across from me. He had passed out with his headphones in. I snuck a peak at his iPod and noticed he was listening to Demi Lovato. I chuckled to myself because the boy had the widest range of music, but it was pleasant. You never knew what you’d catch him listening to.

Captain Higgins came out of the captain’s cockpit and smiled. “Well we’re here boys. Welcome to Paris!”

I smiled back warmly at him and replied, “Thanks Captain Higgins. We’ll be out of your hair in a moment. I just have to wake up Sleeping Beauty over here.”

He laughed and nodded as he went to open the planes doors. I nudged Harry and he just rolled a bit so his shoulder was facing me. I groaned in frustration and proceeded to rip out his headphones.

“Harry?” I said.

My reply was a snore. I refrained from slapping him because that would be considered ‘rude’ or ‘inconsiderate’. I settled for holding Harry’s nose shut.

I watched as the curly haired lad began to have a mini spazz attack and I couldn’t help but laugh. He shot me a glare and I tried to cover up my laughing.

“Yes Niall?” He seethed at me. Harry sure does love his sleep and I knew waking him up would be a chore and a challenge.

“I just wanted to let you know we’re!” I said excitedly.

Harry continued to slightly glare at me, but I saw a slight smile tug at his lips.

“I see that Styles,” I said with a little bit of cheekiness. “I know you’re excited!”

Harry shrugged and stood up and stretched a bit. “Yeah whatever you say little guy,” Harry said with a playful smirk.

I gave him a light shove and we went about gathering our things off the plane. We only had a few things, so it didn’t take too long until we were ready and headed off the plane.

“Have a nice time boys!” Captain Higgins said with a warm smile.

“Thank you,” Harry said politely while I smiled at him. We traveled into the airport and boy oh boy was it busy. I stayed close to Harry and made sure that the tall lad was in my sight at all times. I didn’t want to lose him in all the traffic flow of other flyers.


I whipped my head to see Harry still walking next to me, thank god, but his focus wasn’t on me.

“What’s up Harry?”

“I gotta pee.” His face looked completely serious.

“Wait what?”

He then turned to me and annunciated each word, “”

I just blinked at him as we hopped on the monorail. “Alright then. You can go when we get off.”

Harry mumbled something I didn’t quite catch.

“What was that?”

“I said you have to come with me,” Harry mumbled a little bit louder.

“Um why?”

“Because,” Harry said as the monorail was coming to a stop, “we have to stick together and use the buddy system.”

I gaped at Harry. I mean yes, he could be clingy, but to go to the bathroom with him. This was whole new level. I wanted to bring him back to reality and remind him I’m his partner not his parent. However as much as I wanted to, I knew that would be so low. The poor kid barely had parents. To remind him would just be a dick move.

I Want to Believe In Me (AU Larry Stylinson and Ziall Horlik)Where stories live. Discover now