Chapter 15 x

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Chapter 15

[Niall’s POV]

Zayn and I had fallen asleep and when I woke up, we were at our hotel.

“Alright boys, we’re here,” Paul said as he pulled to the drop off zone.

“Thanks Paul,” I said as I rubbed my eyes.

“Let me get your stuff and I’ll go get your check-in status situated.” Paul hopped out of the car and went to get our luggage. I looked over next to me and Zayn was sleeping soundly on the window with a book in his lap. He looked cute with his hair all tousled and sexy and Niall stop thinking. I needed to stop getting distracted by Zayn. His glasses were crooked and all I wanted to do was just fix them right back so he could look all prim and proper like he usually does. I leaned over and shook Zayn a bit. Unlike myself when I wake up, Zayn snapped his eyes open immediately.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” he said as he began to straighten himself out.

“It’s fine Zayn. We’re here though,” I said as I ruffled my hair a little.

“Oh okay. Um, where’s Paul?” Zayn looked around the car frantically and I had to stifle a little chuckle. He looked like a little puppy and it was too cute.

“He went to put our bags in our room and check us in. He should be at the front desk still.”


We jumped out of the car and walked into the lobby. Paul was coming towards us as we walked through the door.

“Here you go lads your keys and the room is 814,” Paul said as he handed us the electronic cards.

“And where will you be staying?” I asked him as I handed the cards over to Zayn.

“I’ll be down the hall in 822. It was the only other room available.”

“That’s alright. So we’ll just head up and then we’re going to the convention. Are you coming with us?”

“Actually I was probably going to go and do some sight-seeing,” Paul said sheepishly.

I smiled at the bulked man in front of me. “Well you have fun Paul.”

“Will do Mr. Horan. If you or Mr. Malik need anything, don’t hesitate in letting me know. I have programmed both of numbers into your phones. Well I’m off.” Paul gave a final wave and strolled out the front doors.

“Well let’s go Zayn,” I said as we headed to elevator.

The ride up was silent except for the horrible elevator music playing in the background. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence or anything. It was just silence.

The doors pinged open and we both stepped out and down the hall. At the end of the hall were two girls dressed in black leather attire that made them look like Catwoman.

“What the hell,” I mumbled. Zayn must’ve heard me because he was staring intently down the hall as well.

“Let’s just go to our room Niall,” Zayn said in a panicky tone. He was lightly pulling on my sleeve and I knew he was scared. The two girls hadn’t moved from their position, but I didn’t know if they were here for us or not. They weren’t facing us, but rather each other.

I grabbed Zayn’s hand and hustled to our room. The girls had now turned their heads towards us, but their bodies were still facing each other. I tried not to get flustered, but I could feel panic stirring a bit inside me.

I reached down in Zayn’s pocket, ignoring his stammering and out of control blushing, and pulled out the key. I swiped it and pulled us into the room.

I Want to Believe In Me (AU Larry Stylinson and Ziall Horlik)Where stories live. Discover now