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- Irene's pov-

I went along with Jaehyun to the park to get some fresh air, we walked through a long bridge.

" I know it must be hard, but we should just be happy and know that he will never forget you " Jaehyun told me.

I nodded,

He turn to me and ask,

" Are you seriously okay? " He asked.

" I'm fine " I replied.

" So are you going to school tomorrow?" He added.

" I don't really know " I answered.

He suddenly got closer to me and hugged me,

" What are you doing?" I questioned.

" Since we are alone under one roof now, let's get closer to each other " He replied.

We continued walking and we stopped by a burger restaurant,

" Are you hungry?" Jaehyun questioned.

" A little " I answered.

" Then let's eat first " He said.

" Okay, Let's eat first " I said back as we walk in.

We ordered and sat on an empty seat,

" Thanks for paying " I told him.

" No problem, since from now on I'll be taking care of you " He said.

" I know, sorry " I said back.

" There's nothing to be sorry about, just eat " He told me.

" Okay but... I was thinking, why are you so nice to me?" I asked.

" It's a long story, let's just eat first " He replied.

We ate our burgers and went back home,

" What do you want to do now?" Jaehyun questioned.

" I'll be in the Academy library today, see you then " I said as I left the house.

I left for the library. When I arrive, the library was empty but suddenly I heard a voice

" Are you Irene Kim?" A girl with a white shirt and blue pants asked.

" Yes, I am " I replied.

" Did your brother leave the house?" She questioned.

" Yes, how did you know?" I asked.

" I can see the pass and the future so don't worry about him " She answered.

I turned to my computer and when I turned back, she was already gone.

" Where did she go?" I asked myself.

I continue doing my work and finished up all my group work for school.

Jaehyun: Irene, I'll be out of the house tonight so I prepared a sandwich on the table if you're hungry....... Study well!

Irene: Thank you so much! I'll study well~

I turned my phone off and continued working, it was already 6:00pm when I finish my work and went home. As soon as I arrive home, I went in and ate the sandwich prepared by Jaehyun.

" I didn't know he was good at making food too " I said to myself.

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