Chapter 16

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I couldn't believe what an eventful morning it has been. First everything with Andrew, then Logan coming home, it's like the universe is trying to tell me what the right thing to do is. While Logan took a shower I quickly went around the house, discarding anything that was linked to Andrew. I just want to forget it all and move on. I was even thinking about dropping his class and registering with another professor. But I cant, at least, until I tell Logan.

That was another thing that is troubling me. How am I going to tell him?

We talked about going out to dinner tonight, maybe I'll tell him then. Just then the hallway was illuminated with light and steam poured out of the bathroom. Logan stepped out with the fluffy, white towel around his waste and grinned at me.

"I have to say, it's nice to have a real shower in my own house instead of a tiny trailer shower." He stepped toward me and met my eyes noticing I was watching him. "Ready for round two?" he said jokingly. This morning I slept with Logan for the first time as his wife and he my husband. It was amazing.

"Maybe." Teasing him by tugging on the towel when he approached me. He looked down at me with a slight smile as he brushed my hair behind my ear. I sat on the bed just staring up at this man. Despite what he says he is perfection. "I love you Logan... you know that right?" I said as I felt my eyes tear up.

He sat down next to me. "Of course I know that. But I love you more." He pulled my chin up and gently kissed my lips. It was the simplest thing but felt so powerful.

I could never feel this way with Andrew, and I don't know how I could even compare the two.

He pulled away and stood up sighing as he walked toward his dresser, changing into his outfit for the day.

"What's wrong?" I said noticing the obvious sigh.

"You seem different some how. I cant put my finger on it." My stomach dropped and my mouth was forming the words and I knew I should tell him about Andrew but it was just too soon. He just got here a couple of hours ago. Luckily I didn't have to think of a response because he continued. "I don't know. Maybe its just because I was gone for what felt like forever."

"But now your home and-"

"For a week." He said and I felt the sadness in his statement. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about when I'm leaving. I just wish I didn't take the job, then I wouldn't have had to leave and we could have enjoyed our marriage and honeymoon."

I couldn't believe it. I mean, I guess it is believable. I felt the same way. If he never left I wouldn't have been so lonely here and things with Andrew probably would have never happened.

"But they needed you for the movie Logan. It would have been weird replacing you. The fans would notice and probably get upset. You're here now and that's what's important. Don't think about work this whole week please. I want you all to myself."

"And I have you all to myself." My heart stung a bit maybe it was the part that felt something for Andrew.

"I'm going to head into the shower next. Then how about we go out to breakfast." I suggested and he happily agreed.

Once in the bathroom and stripped down to my underwear and looked at myself in the mirror. The now faded hickey Andrew gave me still seemed to scream at me as I brushed through my hair. I looked at myself in disgust and felt my stomach turn. I sat on the toilet seat cover thinking about everything. As I thought about what I had done with Andrew just the day before and then had sex with Logan this morning I felt dirty. I literally could throw up. Once I contained my emotions I stepped in the shower and washed myself head to toe, just another step to try and forget.

At the diner we ordered our breakfast and our regular coffee and tea that we used to get before he left. It felt nice to be back in rhythm and acting normal. I actually forgot about Logan's profession until a couple of teen girls came up to us and asking Logan for an autograph, then they turned to me and asked for mine. It was a special moment that I could only share with Logan.

We were having such a great time. We talked about our wedding night and I told him everything that happened with Stacy, since we never really got to talk about it into detail. He was shocked that Lexi would do something like that.

"That bitch. I can't believe she would do that to Stacy. Prison is where she belongs." The last time the two of us actually talked about Alexis is a sitting conversation was when Logan cried to me when I told him how she was cheating on him.

We were having such a good time I didn't even notice anything around us. We were focusing on each other and just enjoying each other's presence. Until out of the corner of my eye I saw big ol' Andy walking through the doors. I didn't even turn my head to make Logan suspicious and question. I continued talking to Logan, ignoring the fact Andrew was now 10 feet away from me.

I almost forgot he was in the room until I could smell his cologne. I then turned my head and he was standing next to our table.

"Aubrey?" I turned back to Logan and saw he was smiling at me. "It is you. How are you today?" he said to me with the biggest grin on his face.

"I'm sorry who are you?" Logan said to him in a defensive tone. I think he was just surprised that it wasn't a fan pointing him out. Instead it was someone calling me out.

"Baby, this is...umm..." I couldn't find my words, I felt the vomit rising in my throat but I kept it down. These two are now meeting and the chance of it coming out at the wrong time was on high. "This is one of my professors."

"Ohhhh." Logan said obviously fascinated as he returned to his food and looking at me.

"I'm sorry Professor but I'm eating breakfast with my husband." I said to Andrew but he could care less, even when he saw Logan's annoyed expression.

"I can see I'm intruding. I'll see you in class Aubrey." Then he walked away. I followed him with my eyes and watched as he sat two booths behind Logan so he was sure I would see him and he would see me.

In my head I really just wanted to hit him in the face. What gave him the idea to come up to me?!

"He seems nice." Logan said too me while shoving a piece of pancake in his mouth.

"Yeah I guess so. But he can be a hard ass sometimes."

"Aren't they all?" Logan chuckled. "Anyway. I want to talk about what you promised to talk about as soon as I got home."

I knew what was coming but I pretended to have no idea.

"A family." I remained silent, but my brain was going a million miles a minute.

"We are a family Logan. Can't that be enough for right now?" He shook his head and smiled at me. He just had that face that I kind fight against. "Don't look at me like that. I'm not ready to have a kid right now."

"I just want a couple, 3 or 4." He said trying to help reassure me but if he thought that was going to work he is delusional.

I burst out laughing and he started laughing too.

"I love you Bree. I can wait if that's what you want. You're right, we have the rest of our lives to figure this out." I smiled at him and thanked him. That is just too much to think about right now.

"Sorry to bother you guys again but I couldn't help but notice that..."

"ENOUGH!" I yelled, earning looks from people around the room but then they continued on with their meals. Logan was glaring at me in amazement I just freaked out. "We are just trying to enjoy our breakfast. Please just..." I felt ridiculous. "Sit down Andrew." He then had a petrified face as he had an idea of what I was going to say. He pulled over a chair and joined our small table.

"Bree what are you doing?" Logan said to me confused. "And why did you just call him Andrew?"

"Logan, I have something I need to tell you." He raised his eyebrows and waited and I glanced over at Andrew to see him staring at me. I could see he didn't mean for this to happen now. I just can't hold it in one more second and pretend I'm happy. "This is my professor, as you know obviously. Um..." I looked back at Andrew and he nodded his head.

"Go on?" Logan said, leaning back.

Then I couldn't help it, and I started to cry. Logan leaned forward and grabbed my hand and held it trying to coax me to calm down and say what I need to say. Andrew freaked when I started crying, he reached for my back and started rubbing it, earning a look from Logan. He let go and started to grab his things.

"I need to leave. I'm sorry." He said to me, not making eye contact with Logan. I ignored him and he leaned down to whisper something to me. I leaned away but then stopped resisting and let him whisper.

"I'll call you later to make sure you're okay." He then looked into my eyes.

"Just leave Andrew." With that he turned and walked out the door.

I cautiously looked back at Logan.

"Ohhhh. Now I get it." He said. He stood up, threw money on the table and grabbed his sweatshirt and keys. "You cheated on me didn't you." I looked at him with tear filled eyes and nodded my head. "With him I'm guessing."

"Yes." He chuckled and then had pain in his face. He looked as if he was going to cry. He looked away from me and off to the distance. "I figured something was wrong." He said. "I need to go, go for a ride or something."

"Logan I'm so sorry. I don't know what was going through my head. I just was alone and-"

"How many times?" He cut me off and looked into my eyes, they were getting glossy showing he was tearing up.

"3 times that I know of. 2 of the times I had been drinking and didn't even remember." I said but then wished I had taken it back.

"And that makes it better. I can't believe I could think that you would be different. You must have been Lexi's best friend. You're just like her."

He started walking away but then I stopped him.

"Logan please don't do this. Please. I Love you." He stopped and turned to look at me.

"You know something. In Florida, the crew was always going to parties or clubs but I stayed in my trailer in hopes I could speak to you. I was faithful." Just then I heard a couple of shutter sounds indicating someone taking a picture. We had made a scene and no doubt it would end up on some gossip show by tonight. But I didn't care, I was trying not to loose my husband.

"Logan I'm sorry! I made a mistake. I needed you! But where were you???"

"I was-"

"I know where you were I meant for my sake. I needed you. I was so lonely. It started off as just talking and then my mother died. I didn't even hear from you at all that day! Andrew came over and comforted me. He was a good friend, until we started drinking. I was hurt and lonely." I started getting loud with no intention to cause a scene.

"We will talk later. I'll be home sometime tonight. I need to think about things."

"Logan please. Can we just talk? We can go back to the house and we can talk and make sense of everything."

"I think you have everything figured out." He said and it felt like a punch to the gut.

"You're wrong. I don't. I'm so confused, I haven't been able to stop hating myself for just the first time. Then I went to tell Andrew that-"

"No, we don't need to discuss this further where we have an audience. Ill talk to you tonight."

"Please don't end things like this Logan. I don't want to say bye with us fighting."

"It's not goodbye."

And with that he walked out of the restaurant not looking back.

I felt chills all over my body. I remained at the table to make sure that the waitress got the money and waited for the restaurant to go back to normal. Everyone was impressively quiet after that when I thought I would hear buzzing of everybody whispering. When everything was in order here I grabbed my things and walked out, slowly, as everyone was watching me. I even heard the shutter noise again.

I rushed out of the building and ran over to a garbage can, I had the sick feeling again and was scared I was going to throw up. When nothing happened I thought about that moment. I'm now abandoned at the diner and I have to walk about 10 blocks to get home. Great. I guess I deserve this though.

I started walking passed all the cars in the parking lot to head home when a big black truck pulled up next to me. I kept walking, keeping my head looking straight. When the driver rolled down the window I saw it was Andrew.

"You just keep popping up whenever it's convenient for you huh." I said in a venomous tone.

"I'm sorry about what happened. Truly." He said and I examined his face and all I saw was sincere.

"Its just as my fault as yours. Except last night! What the fuck! You told me we didn't have sex last night." I stopped walking and he followed by braking to stop his car.

"We didn't have sex. I wouldn't do that to you." I once again examined his face and couldn't see any faults in his statement.

"Okay, then how come I saw a condom on my floor this morning while I was cleaning?" He lowered his head. "What?"

"You opened the condom when I had my back turned, I had gotten you dressed for bed and you were all over the place, you opened it and asked me to have sex with you." It seemed hard to believe.

"I wouldn't do something like that. It doesn't sound like me."

"I know that's why I knew you were fucked, drunk wise, and I took the condom and threw it away. You passed out a little after that. And when I knew you were asleep and okay I went out to the couch and fell asleep." I smirked a bit at how sweet that was. But if I were sober it would have probably been a different story.

"Wait, then why did you have Logan's pajamas on? I thought that was insulting in a way." I said walking up to his window.

"You puked all over me while I carried you inside. I was washing them while you knocked out and had to put some kind of clothes on. I figured I would change back into my clothes in the morning but you rushed me out when your husband unexpectantly came home." I felt a little bad for him. He had to deal with me at my worse.

"I'm sorry." He smiled at me. "Is there anyway you could give me a ride home? Logan kind of left with the car and we are quite a ways from my house." He laughed.

"What a gentleman. Left his wife at a diner with no way home. Luckily I'm here, your lover, my mistress." I gave him a look. Obviously he was joking but it was too soon.

"Stop okay. Can you give me a ride or no?" he nodded his head and I jogged to the passenger side door when I reached for my phone to find I didn't have it on me. "Hold on. I think I left my cell phone inside. Wait here."

I was hesitant to walk back in there knowing everyone was probably talking about our outbursts.

I walked in but was stopped at the front counter. They had my phone ready and then kicked me out. I laughed a bit by how they were treating me but then felt a little bit of hurt.

Walking over to Andrews car I checked if Logan had texted me or called and surely he did call.

I had missed it but he left a message.

"Bree. We need to talk. I just left the house, and luckily my things were still packed because I'm going to stay at a hotel. I just can't sleep in the same bed you probably had sex in. to think of it, we had sex this morning..." he drifted off and I felt bad I didn't tell him sooner. "Anyway, we are going to talk at dinner tonight to meet me there. I'll text you the name of the restaurant later. Bye."

I stopped for a second but then was startled by the sound of Andrews trucks horn.

"Hurry up!" he yelled over to me. I then tucked my phone away and headed over to the truck. Please don't let anything happen between now and tonight at dinner.

***Thanks everyone for all the comments! keep it coming. while you're reading this and waiting for me to update again go check out my friend mrdark13 and read his stories! show him some love and fan him!! He has been a faithful follower for as long as i can remember and it would mean so much if you guys would help him out. I'm not all for advertising other pages but this time is an exception thank you! I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to update often as i want to because i just got a new job, and i start college in a very short amount of time. my goal is to try and finish this story before things start getting to hectic.

For all the Josh Hutcherson fans, i don't know if ill be able to make a sequel to my Josh story. Just don't know where to even have the second one lead to. i don't want my Logan fanfic and my Josh fanfic to start sounding too similar. ill see I'm not completely sure yet!

Also. anyone read my other story??? my first finished story. it doesn't have anyone famous in it but it is my treasure because its all me. and actually a lot of the events in that story reflect events that have actually happened in my life. so check that out if you haven't!

Keep showing the love and make sure to drop by my boy mrdark13's page and check out his stories! love you all!<3***

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