Chapter five

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Dan and I walked to Phil's bedroom door, and just as I was about to knock on it, Dan caught my wrist and put it back down at my side. He put his ear against the door. I giggled at his childish antics and did the same. Our faces just inches from each other, we listened intently.

"She was desperately in love with this boy, and one day she was walking through the hallways and ran into him, spilling her science experiment all over the poor boy." I heard Nat say.

I knew she was talking about me and, by the way I was blushing, Dan did too. He gave me an amused look and continued to listen "It couldn't have been too bad" Phil said, trying to defend me, I suppose. "It wouldn't have been if her science experiment hadn't be-" she started, but was interrupted by me knocking roughly on the door. "Come in" Phil sang sweetly.

I pushed the door open and joined them on the bed where they sat cross legged, Dan following behind. "Whatcha talkin' about" I said casually, as if I hadn't just heard Nat talking about my embarrassing highschool suffering. "Just about how you spilled pee all over that Justin kid" she said, giggling. The boys held back laughter as I tried to defend myself "I still won the science fair that year!" "but you lost the boy!" Nat joked and we all broke out into fits of laughter.

After we finished laughing at my pain, we heard a knock. "must be the pizza" Dan said, as he stood and strode out of Phil's room and we all followed. We got there just in time to see PJ carry the pizza into the kitchen.

We ran after him, and all reached the kitchen at the same time. PJ, startled by our sudden appearance, jumped back and dropped the pizza on the table. "What kind is it?" Dan asked, reaching for the box. "The kind that Chris and I paid for!" PJ said and stepped inbetween us and the food which Chris was already starting to eat. "Please, Peej?!" Nat whined, rocking back and forth and giving him the puppy dog face that would make even the strongest people fall to their knees. "ugh! fine!" PJ gave in and moved to the side. "YES" I shouted. The four of us joined Chris at the table and began to eat. PJ reluctantly did the same.


After we had finished lunch, Peej and Chris left for some important event, Nat went out for an important shopping trip, and Phil went with her without hesitation. Nat was overjoyed. That left me with Dan. I sat at the breakfast bar playing with my phone, when I felt a bag hit the back of my head. I turned my head to see a wide eyed Dan, beckoning for me to sit next to him on the couch. I slid from my chair and grabbed the bag of maltesers that had been used as projectile to get my attention.

Giving him a questioning look, I crossed my legs in his lap and began to open the candy. "So" I said, prompting him to begin a conversation. Without a response, he snatched the maltesers from my hand and tossed one into his mouth. I wrestled it out of his hands and held it tightly to my chest. "Your toss your loss" I said as he pouted and turned away. I pushed his shoulder and told him to man up, before getting up to look through their movies.

I picked out a random anime from their impressive collection. As the opening credits rolled, I put my feet back in his lap. I glaced at his face to see him staring down at my legs and smiling. He looked as if he was about to say something clever, but though better of it.

"What?" I questioned. "Nothing." he said. Now his eyes were on me and I remembered how beautiful they were. "You looked like you were about to say something. Spill it, brown eyes." he laughed at my straightforwardness. "You're...funny. That's all."

When I Found Home ( a Daniel Howell fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon