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The next day, after school
Taurtis's POV
I heard Sookie ask (y/n) to talk and she said yes. I remember Sookie said something about liking (y/n). I watched as Sookie blushed her weird blush!
Your POV
Sookie;I know you'll say no, so I wanted to ask if you wanted to go on a date--a friend date! Just as friends!
I nodded my head 'yes'.
Sookie;See you at 6:00! Meet you at the movie theater!
I smiled at her as she walked away.
Taurtis's POV
She's going on a date with Sookie?! Play it cool Taurtis.....
Sam;I saw what happened, both of our crushes dating.....IDEA!!
Taurtis;What is it?
Sam;Fake date someone like ummmm Chan?
He pointed to the girl who walked out of the building next.
Taurtis;Hey Chan! Wanna go out?
Her face went bright red.
Chan;S-Sure ^\\\^
The next day
Your POV (sorry for so much POV changes)
I heard that Taurtis is dating Chan....I didn't go to school today.......h-how could he.....after he kissed me and everything. That's what I get for thinking I had a friend that could've been more......
I stayed home instead of going to school, I couldn't face Taurtis for eight hours I sit right next to him!
Taurtis's POV
We were doing rolecal lit (y/n) wasn't here....maybe she's late.
Okami;Has anyone seen (y/n)? :D
Yuki;She stayed home, emotional issues! I think she's jealous of Chaurtis! (Chan+Taurtis), sensei Okami~!
Is she jealous of me...? Sam was

Sorry for the terrible chapter!!! Hope you enjoyed!

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