Caring But Not Sharing.

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Taurtis's POV
After school Yuki, Sam and me went to see (y/n).
Yuki;I'm 100 percent sure there are two reasons she stayed home.
Taurtis;What are those reasons?
Yuki;One:She's jealous. Two: She's sick, she had a temperature this morning.
Taurtis;Ugh! Why do I have to be so dumb--
???;Have you seen (y/n)?
We turned around and saw Sookie.
Taurtis & Sam;Ohhhh no.
Yuki;Why, Sookie?
Sookie;Were going on a date <3
Yuki;Cool, she's sick at home.
Sookie;How could I not know?! I live in the same house as her!
We all walked to the house and ran to (y/n)'s room, it was locked.
Yuki;*knocks on door* (y/n)? Open up!
You;No! I don't wanna see anyone after what Taurtis did!
Everyone looked at me.
Taurtis;*whispers* heh.....
You;Leave me alone, Yuki--
Sookie;Remember.....we have a date.
You;Oh, sorry! I'm coming, let me get changed first.---
Taurtis;Ummm.....,look I'm sorry.---
You;Listen, I'm not sharing someone with another person, it's just not happening. And I can't believe I actually liked someone who could ruin someone's heart so easily and so fast. It's not something I wanna deal with. Sorry, Taurtis.
Taurtis;(Y-Y/n), I'm so sorry--
You;I don't want to hear it, Taurtis.
I was about to speak but Sam nodded 'no'. He walked me out of the house, knowing I was going to try and talk to (y/n). I really messed up.
Sam;Its okay, let's go get some Pocky and Toritos!
I fake smiled and we headed to the store.

Sorry this was short and bad!!!! Hope you enjoyed!

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