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{Love Yourself : Justin Bieber}

[175 days until i meet my loves sigh]


Of course, for Michael and Calum, when everything seemed to be going well, something had to go wrong. Anyone outside of their small apartment could hear the screams loud an clear.

"Jesus fucking christ, Michael! I don't even understand what you're yelling at me for anymore!" Calum screamed at his lover from across the room, his brown eyes watching the, now aqua haired boy, pace back-and-forth while he angrily pulled at his hair.

"I'm yelling at you because you've been avoiding me to hang out with that sketchy Jack guy for the past month! You're never home on the weekends now, and when you are you and I just fuck! There's more to this relationship than sex you know?" Michael responded, his bright green eyes holding so much anger and annoyance.

The tanner of the two slammed his hands onto the faux marble counter top, yes that counter top, "Well you're never complaining! You can be such an annoying, clingy, cunt sometimes Michael. I swear to god!"

The shorter one's jaw clenched as he walked up to the taller and shoved his pointer finger into his chest. "If I'm 'such an annoying, clingy, cunt' why the hell are you even with me then? Because, if you're so annoyed with me, why have you been here for two years, huh? Why Calum?" He fumed.

The taller stared down, becoming more pissed by the second. Once Michael had finished his little speech, Calum grabbed his shoulders and shoved him back. "I don't know! Maybe I should just fucking go! Yeah, I'm leaving. Fuck this!" He yelled as he turned to the door and stormed over to it, opening it and slamming it behind him.

When the large bang sounded through the now silent apartment, Michael stared for a few seconds, his gaze softened and he began gnawing on his bottom lip. He let out a long breath he was not aware that he was holding, and ran his fingers over his face.

He pulled his phone out from his back pocket, writing a short text to Calum saying 'i'm sorry, i love you..' and hitting send.

But, when Michael heard the quiet chime from the couch, and saw Calum's phone sitting there lit up, he knew he fucked up.


[filler chapter aye]

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