Chapter 15: Fits of Rage

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I stayed in my bedroom for at least half of the day, my mind and thoughts where becoming quicker and almost untamed since I haven't done anything in speed. I had to do something but my room was driving me mental, the things that reminded me of him where torturous. I grabbed a box and filled it with everything possible, I walked down stairs and noticed my mum asleep by a photo album of their wedding.

I put the box down on the dining table and placed a blanket over her and picked up the photo album, I put it on the coffee table and went back to my box. I walked to the front yard and opened the garbage bin lid, it was empty from the day before so I started to put things in when Alissa rode up to me. She stopped and looked at me "how are you going" she asked carefully. I shrugged and put another memento into the bin "getting rid of stuff I don't need" I told vacantly.

She looked at me worried like mad but didn't say anything till I grabbed my first skate board, she yanked it out of my hands "hey give it back" I exclaimed. She shook her head "Denny what are you doing" she asked, I wolf glared at her but she held her ground. I caved in knowing she wouldn't leave without explanation "I'm getting rid of reminders so I can get if this" I barked a little worse than intended.

Alissa relaxed a bit with more of a sympathetic look than before "Denny you can't just forget him and move on" she told. I smirked with bitter amusement
"Really cause I'm going to have to do this again some day" I told. Alissa starred at me with her brown eyes "what are you talking about" she asked.

I chucked a baseball into the bin and glared at her "I'm here forever Alissa, one day mums going to die, my grandparents, you, one day I'm going to be here, by my self, forever, never able to fall in love cause I'll lose them too, you get to grow old, love some one, maybe marry them and have kids, I don't get that, I get this crappy emptiness looming over me till I luck out and die probably multiple millennia into the future" I yelled.

She flinched at my sour words "you have us, Sam, Nash, Jaxon, all your friends to help you through this" she told. I laughed at that
"Friends, we met in detention, Nash was the bratty book worm over achiever you hated since fifth grade, Jaxon is the idiot meathead jock we hardly talked to and Sam, the only time we freaking talk to him is when we have to use him for a prank, I hardly see any friends" I yelled at her.

She smirked shaking her head "you have no idea do you, no idea how much they care about you, one in particular" she faded off when she said that but snapped out of the thought "look I'm going to take this stuff and when you want it back call alright" she told emptying the bin and picking up the box
"Whatever, bye" I grumbled. She rolled her eyes and walked off I turned on my heels and walked back into my house, mum was standing at the door with her arms crossed.

"Not now mum" I huffed ready to walk past her but she blocked me off
"Something is on your mind, talk" she said sharply. I nodded and looked at her, putting down my bitter defences "if you could save someone, and you tried yourself hardest, is it your fault if you don't save them when you know you could have don't more afterwards " I asked, my words laced with emotion. Mum held my shoulders "it's not your fault, if you've done all you could do and at the time you know that's all you could have done, it's not your fault cause we always think we could have done more even though we couldn't" she said softly.

I smirked gently and nodded "thanks mum, I'm going to hang in my room for a bit, I'll be down for dinner" I told, mum nodded as I walked away. In my room I decided to clean the mess of mirrored shards across my floor, I looked at my skate board and decided to clear my head. I grabbed my helmet and left my room, mum didn't stop me.

I skated to the park to see Jaxon who was sitting on the edge of the bowl "hey, what are you doing here" I asked confused. He turned and smiled at me
"I was heading to your place when Alissa told me you were in a mood, I remembered from one of your thoughts that you go the the skate park when your upset or angry so I came here hoping you'd come here" he explained. I smirked "remind me to wear a foil hat next time your around" I said, he chuckled lightly and I put my board down.

He rubbed his hand together, I looked at the trees as they moved softly to the breeze and relaxed my shoulders as one question rattled it's way out of my head, this question was one I didn't want to acknowledge till now "how, hum, how did he go" I asked shakily. Jaxon nodded
"It wasn't your fault, the shock wave had killed you both, we would have died our selves if Alissa hadn't put up a force field and saved us. You copped the worst of the shrapnel but we had to wait a few hours till we could take you to the hospital" he recalled.

I lowered my head with a vague nod "I really couldn't have done anything huh" I asked more than stated, he nodded and rubbed my back "Just so you know, we won't let you be alone, your stuck with us" he told as I thought of my newest fear I nodded and pursed my lips "good to know, though I think it's you who's going to be stuck with me" he laughed and we went into a happy silence. We stayed together for seven minuets and I decided to get up "where are you going," he asked. I smirked "I got a board, a park and a friend, may as well pass the time hey" I shrugged. He nodded as I jumped into the bowl with my board.

(Sorry but i was uber busy with life and im a very lazy person, so yeah, this book has about 3 more chapters to go)

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