Snow Day

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(Sorry about any bad grammar or other errors)

Emma and Killian had finally gotten their own place. They were so happy because it had gotten way to crowded at the Charming household, with the four adults, Henry, toddler Neal and little baby Lauryn.

Today was a cold winter day in the middle of January. It was early in the morning so the entire Jones family was still tucked away in bed, except for Emma. She was getting ready to wake Henry up when she got a phone call from the school saying their was to much snow, so school was canceled.

Emma quietly walked upstairs to Henry's room trying not to way her 5 month old baby in the next room. "Hey kid, your winter wish was granted. No school," Emma said soft.

Henry rolled over and turned his alarm clock off in response to this news, so that he could sleep in more. Emma then left the room to call David. "Hey Dad," she said as he picked up," I was wondering if I could take the day off from being sheriff? I kinda wanted to surprise the family with a day off before I haven't had a lot of time to spend with them."

"Well I guess!" David replied, as he hung up.

After the called ended Emma walked to the master room, where her dashing rapscallion was fast asleep. She climbed in bed and snuggled into Killian, kissing his cheek. "I'm not complaining love, but why are you still here? Don't you have to go to work today?" 

"I did but, Henry doesn't have school today so I thought that we could have just a family day. Plus I thought you might like some help with Lauryn." Emma replied as she buried herself under the covers further.

"Well, I am enjoying this day already Swan!" He said with a loving look in his eyes.

Emma and Killian had been laying there for about 20 minutes and then all of a sudden the baby monitor started going crazy. "Well Lauryn calls!" Killian replied as he started to get out of bed.

"No no no! I got it." Emma said pushing Killian back down. 

Emma left the room and walked into Lauryn's. Lauryn had managed to drop her little princess blanked out from the crib. Emma picked up Lauryn and the blanket, carrying both back to her room. She handed the little baby to Killian and said, "I am ganna go grab her some food. You want anything?"

"Maybe some of those chocolate puffs Henry likes so much."

"A bottle and a bowl of Coco Puffs, coming right up." she said as she left the room.

Emma came back to find Lauryn asleep in Killian's arms, perfectly swaddled. "Wow, the one handed wonder finally figured out how to swaddle the baby correctly!" 

"Don't act so surprised. And any way I though that name was Regina's for me. I don't want it to be yours to." He replied with a joking glare. 

"Well then, what would you like me to call you?" She asked as she picked up Lauryn and started feeding her. 

"Well I have some ideas," Killian said with a devilish smirk. "Like..."

"Morning guys." Henry said luckily for Emma cutting Killian off. 

"Hey Kid! Lets go make some breakfast," she said to Henry ushering out of the room. "And you can come join us captain after you clean out the mid of yours."

"As the lady wishes!" he said as be finished eating his coco puffs. 

Henry and Emma carrying Lauryn walked to the kitchen and made pancakes, and they were joined by Killian shortly after he finished waking up. 


I hope you all liked it. Please leave review and any comments about what should happen later in the day. 

Lot of Love ( =

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