Public Affection

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(I hope you like it.)

"Hey what is this?" Killian asked pointing to some numbers on a sheet of paper attached to his bowl of soup.

"I think it is her phone number!" Regina laughed.

"Woah, Killian!" Emma roared out of anger.

"Swan, I didn't think she would get that kind of impression if I caller her love. I just do that. Please calm down. You are the only person I truly love." Killian said meaningfully.

Emma just looked into his eyes and saw that he meant every word. "I love you too Killian!" Emma said ending it with a kiss. 

Henry, being the 14 year old boy he was don't like seeing either set of parents kiss, so he did the only reasonable thing to do ... throw a few french fries at them! 

"Henry Daniel Mills/Jones, what was that for?" Emma yelled at him.

"I told you guys no kissing in public." Henry told them.

"I didn't think we needed your approval" Emma laughed.

"Well you do so, ya" Henry stated. 

"Okay the Mr. No Public Affection. That means we get to control if you and Violet hold hands!" Regina laughed.

Henry and Violet looked at each other. "Never mind!" Henry replied.  

"Good one your Majesty!" Hook told her. 


After lunch was over Henry left with Robin, Regina and Roland. So Killian and Emma where left with just their sweet baby girl. 

When they finally made it through all the wind and snow they decided to put Lauryn down for her after lunch nap, and take one themselves. Killian took Lauryn to her crib while Emma unmade their bed. 

Then Killian came in Emma was already half asleep. So he quietly gut under the covers and snuggled into her back. "I love you" Emma whispered to her pirate. 

"And I you" Killian whispered back. 


I hope you guys liked it. Please tell me if you want more. I will take suggestions about what to write, I can do other couples too!

Lot of Love ( =

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