Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: 


  I opened the letter carefully, trying not to break the envelope, and took out a small paper, folded in half. As I spread out the paper, I felt my heart stop. It was not a college letter and I immediately recognized the handwriting. 

Daniel Collins.


I know you must be disappointed about what happened. I had my reasons as to why I lied to you. For now, I can't tell you anything about what is going on, but don't worry, shortly, you'll be able to know. Maia... I'm sorry. I don't know how you're doing, but I truly hope everything is fine. I wish to see you, but at the moment, it is impossible. Things will come together, Maia. I love you.


 A soft chuckle escaped my lips.

"Love, huh?" I laughed hysterically now as I crushed the insignificant letter with all my might. 

"Love is something so easy for you to say, right?" I threw the paper in my bag and took out my notebook. I ripped a page off. Now it was my turn. 


I already know who you are. You come and go, disappear and come back. I don't want you in my life. I must inform you that the happiest moments of my life have arrived since you left. Please don't contact me again.


How dumb can I be? Where will I send this? I didn't know where he was. I was tired of crying and now all I felt was anger. An indescribable fury, that one that makes you heart skip beats. I finally realized that Daniel Collins was the person who ruined me. I was completely destroyed by the person I loved the most. 

I got out of the car and walked towards the school entrance. I wasn't going back home. I wasn't going to be a coward anymore and I was finally going to be upfront with my fears. I didn't want to be remembered as the girl who ran away from everything since her boyfriend betrayed and left her.

I entered the classroom, eyes plastered all over me, but that didn't matter anymore. The teacher, Ms. Riza, looked at me as I sat down, not on my usual place, apart from everybody, in the further right from the room, but instead, in the middle of the classroom. 

She didn't say anything and kept reading her book. Free period, I supposed, since it was the last day and all. 

"Guys, I'm going to the office, I'll be right back." Ms. Riza said, heading from the door. As soon as the door closed, the class started to get reckless.

"I heard she slept with Ryan..." A female whisper close to me said, Emily Stevens.

"Really? But isn't Ryan Lizzie's boyfriend?"  Another voice asked and I was sure it was Stacy Smith.

"I know! That's the worst part of all... the only person that spoke to her and she does that..." 

"Everything always comes back to Daniel, right?" 

My hands clutched into fists. 

"Well... they dated for like, years." A voice added in, Grace Richards. 

"Yeah," Stacy said, "but I heard that he left," her voice suddenly got quieter, "after having sex with her for the first time." 

That was it. I stood up, my hands on the firm on my table. 

"I'm sitting right next to you..." My voice came out low as I was looking at the floor. I grabbed her table and pushed it towards her face. She fell on the floor, her lip with an inconsiderable amount of blood. 

"What's your problem, you savage?!" She screamed from the floor, touching her broken lip then glancing at her hand. "I'm bleeding!" 

I got on my knees, holding her neck tightly in my hands. I pushed her head back to the floor, but quickly released her.

"You better shut up, if you don't want me to kill you right now." Her eyes looked bewildered, moving around the class and around her friends faces.

"You're a sociopath!" 

"Do you know me?" I screamed at her face, "answer me! Do you know me? How would you felt if you had to hear those stupid rumors over and over again every single day of your life, how?" I kept shouting at her. 

She didn't answer and I was getting more infuriated. 

"Answer me!" 

"I know enough!" She finally replied, "I know you're a bitch, a whore and now I know you're completely out of your mind!" 

"Shut up!" I slapped her, "you.. don't know me at all." 

I sat back down, but now not in the middle, but in my usual corner on the further right of the room. 

Maybe this was a mistake after all. 

Stacy was surrounded by a circle of females all of them asking if she was okay and if I hurt her too badly. She coughed and held her cheek, breathing faster, probably to add more drama into the show. I didn't even slap her that hard.

The chair beside me moved and I saw Jason Chevalier, a french guy who had recently moved here, occupy it. 

"Well... that was sexy," he said, his thick french accent exposed, "I would have never thought you would do something like that, it was like female WWE." He smiled, his perfect teeth showing, and his blue eyes inviting.

I laughed a little. "I'm not really sure how I should take that." 

"A compliment." He smiled again, running his hand through his brown hair.

I smiled too, but then looked away, my gaze fixed towards the window. 

"So!" He said, "last day of school! Did you already pick an university?" 

I looked at him again. "Yes," I replied, "I'm going to Brown."

"No way... So am I! Fate at its finest." 

We kept talking for the rest of the classes, staying in the library during the periods we didn't have together. He told me everything about his life. Jason came to America because his father got a new job as the CEO of a well-known company, he wanted to be an engineer, though his father didn't approve and his favorite color was blue. 

I preferred not talking much and allowed myself to only answer what he asked. 

The last bell rang and students rushed through the hallways, shouting with excitement that school was, at last, over. For some, it meant summer vacations and for others, like me, it meant new beginnings. Jason walked me to my car and I was actually beginning to like me. This was probably the first time someone didn't judge me or look at me with those eyes.

He reposed his body on my car. 

"There is something I have to tell you." He suddenly told me as I opened the car. 

"What is it? I hope it's not something about my 'promiscuos relationships'. " I said jokingly, but he didn't laugh, didn't even move a muscle. 

I took a big breath and looked at me directly into my eyes. 

"I know what happened to Daniel." 

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