Getting there

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Authors not so they have been dating for over n2 years and there both out of high school.



Maddi's p.o.v

"I cannot believe we have been dating for almost more than 2 years..." I know John Luke I know. we just sat there on the front porch of my "new house" sitting there drinking coffee and talking. "I love you" "I love you too John Luke." So today's my birthday and I'm really excited because I heard someone talking about a surprise party. "Hey let's go to pawpaw Phil's for lunch." "Sounds great." We decided to go get ready for paw paw Phil's I put on a dress and some cowgirl boots with my hair curled. I was so excited. John Luke and I left and headed on down I there house.

John Luke's P.o.v

I look at maddi on the way there just taking her in and knowing that she is so beautiful and knowing that she's mine I fiddle in my pocket to find the ring whew that was a relief. I look at her again and then at the road "like watcha see?" Hahaha of course I do. She giggles and blushes she's perfect. We got to paw paw Phil's and the lights were off that's weird she says.


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