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She entered the room slowly trying not to awake the birthday girl. She opened the door gently and tiptoed to the bed. 

"Tara wake up it's your birthday" she said 

She was so excited to give her the birthday gift. She was holding between her hands the most precious gift a grandmother could offer to her granddaughter at her 13's birthday.

"Grandma? is that you?"

"Yes its me sweetie"

The young girl rubbed her eyes and sat beside her grandmother at the edge of the bed.

"Tara, I got you something. So close to my heart"

She gave her a diary. Tara felt confused as she checked the diary.

"Grandma, but its just a diary"

"This is not just a diary, its my life. When I was at your age, I started writing it. This diary contain my tears and my joys. This diary changed my life and I'm sure it's going to change yours. Just read it and you'll understand well why I gave it to you."

The teen smiled at her grandma then at the diary

"Thanks grandma"

"Welcome sweetie. Believe me you're going to thank me a lot after reading it"

The girl smiled again at her grandma. The grandmother stood and left the room. Tara viewed the diary again then opened it to see what is inside. At the very first page, she found a note. She read it excitedly. She loved every single aspect about her grandmother and a gift like that is worth many expensive gifts.

There is nothing called barriers. It's all your fake hallucinations. If you want to fly, you will. Just believe.....

Actually, I didn't want to live my teenage life. I was scared. I wanted to stay a kid forever. I didn't want to change. I didn't want to view life from another perspective. But life obligated me on choices I didn't want. I went into many emotional breakdowns, but i never told anyone. I didn't want anyone to think that I was weak, so I wrote this diary. 

My life was filled with bumps and conflicts like a Shakespearean play, but I was able to pass them. I'm not a kardashian, so i'm sure you're not excited to know my life details, but I'm sure you're going to need this in your life.

Happy birthday Tara :)

Your grandma loves you <3

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