Big Announcement

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12:00 pm
Today I survived. I'm still alive. Today I spent my last day with my friends. No diary don't worry I'm not going to die, but my parents are moving on to Michigan and of course I have to go with them. It wasn't easy to leave all your memories and just move along. Moving to a new place is such a huge step. I have to forget my friends and my neighbors and make up a new life, but it'll be hard. Today I tried to make the best of what is left. I didn't know how to just act normal and leave everything behind, but I made it through the day. I kept convincing myself that I'm going to live a new life and have new start in a new place, but it's hard. Because I have wonderful friends, I had the best day in my whole life. They surprised me with a magnificent party. They invited literally every person I know in town. That made it harder to overcome the pain of leaving. They invited Jacob too. Jacob is a senior whom I know since the sixth grade at that time he was in the ninth grade. Jacob has blue wide eyes and dark brown silk hair. Jacob is much taller than me and much wider. Jacob liked me. It was obvious through his eyes. The way he talked and smiled revealed everything. Even though I wasn't that attractive, he liked me. Jacob was older than me, but magical bond held us together. Jacob and I had a strange undefined relationship. I liked Jacob too, but I didn't relealiz that till today. From now on I'm sure that we are going to sacrifice a lot to be with each other. Enjoy will stand between us. People and circumstances will stand between us. Even ourselves, will stand between us. Miranda grabbed my arm and rapped a strip of cloth around my head covering my eyes. At this moment I knew what they were planning for, but acted fool. Miranda is my friend since kindergarten. She knows all of my secrets. She is a frickled girl with short black hair. When we reached our distenation, she untied the strip away from my head. I saw all of my friends standing around a table. On the table a cake was placed and a bunch of gifts laid around it. When I saw this scene, I wanted to cry. It was getting harder and harder for me to froget. I kept holding my tears and acted normal.
"Miranda, thank u that's the best thing that have ever happened to me." I said with shaking voice and glassy eyes.
"Don't thank me, thank Jacob." Miranda said and winked after that statement.
Jacob? Why? We stopped talking a year ago and I thought it was over. After he got a girlfriend, he stopped talking to me. I don't know why he cut all of the strings that held us together. I don't get it? Did he break up with Kayla? I don't get it. It's getting harder and harder to overcome the pain. All of these ideas flew around in my head. Miranda cut all of my thoughts saying:
"Lela, I'm getting hungry, please cut the cake or the cake cake will be your makeup." Miranda said with a laugh.
"Ok ok." I said and laughed after that.
Selena was holding the knife.
She walked slowly as if she's going to stab me.
"Drama queen." Miranda said and pointed at Selena. Selena is a close friend too, but not like Miranda. Selena always dreamt of being an actor. She was the leader of the drama club and she participated in all of the school plays. Selena is a blondy with green eyes.
"Sorry" said Selena laughing.
"Take care Lela, it's so sharpened." Selena said handling me the knife. It was a chocolate cake with chocolate sprinkles on the top. Miranda told me that Mrs. Isabella made the cake, but couldn't make it to the party. Mrs. Isabella was a widow in her thirties. She always left school early to return to her kids at home. She had a new born baby boy and a small girl. She left them with a babysitter, but she her baby needed so much care. The cake looked delicious and tasty. I cut the cake and divided it into small portions to make sure every one takes a piece. When everyone was busy eating the chocolate cake, I went to Jacob, who didn't eat his portion.
"Hey.... ammm thanks for this great day." I said awkwardly.
"Lela, I need to tell u something." Jacob said and pressed my hands hardly I felt it's going to break. I felt a pinch in my stomach and a heart beat in my throat. I kept looking into his wide eyes until he spoke up.
"Lela you know... we know each other since a lot." He said and kept pressing harder on my hands. I nodded and said no word.
"I was wrong. I mistaked my estimations. I chose wrong people"
He was about to cry
" Jacob what's wrong?"
"Lela, Kayla cheated on me. And I knew I had to choose you from the beginning. Lela I don't want to lose you now." Even though he liked me, he chose Kayla. Now he want me back. I can't understand him anymore. He kept saying we were just friends, but it was obvious from the beginning.
"Lela.... you're more than just a friend to me.... you're my everything."
Finally he said it.
I smiled and kept silent. He smiled back and kept silent too.
"Who said that we are not going to be with each other again?"
He smiled and showed all of his teeth.
Everybody noticed, but didn't react. That's relieving. We spent the day laughing and playing around. At the end of the day we took a picture with Shawn's camera and he gave me the one and only copy. It's hard to overcome the pain, but I did it. Today I survived. I'm still alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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