4 First class tickets Please!

21 2 5

Hanna's father walked through the door, "I got the email. When are we leaving?"

Hanna's mother hugged him, "As soon as the house is sold. We're thinking of asking about $5 for it," "Ha, Why bother, We'll abandon it. Why make a big fuss about $5. Come on, Grab your bags and let's go. That guy in the van isn't leaving anytime soon. Oh and Hanna, This probably sounds a bit odd but.... leave your phone,"

Hanna laughed, "Trust me, compared to whats happened today, NOTHING can surprise me!"

"That's good to hear, You'll like it in Hum."

Hanna had heard of Hum, They mentioned it at school once, Hum was the smallest town in the world. "But Dad! We learned about Hum in school, It's the smallest town in the world with a total population of 17!!!"

Her Grandmother chipped in, "Yes, But soon it'll have a population of 21!!"

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They drove to the airport, "Dad, This isn't our car. Where did you get it?"

"I BOUGHT it on the way home." He laughed and gave Hanna a wink 

Hanna gasped, "You stole it?!?"

Her father didn't respond, 

As they reached the airport her Grandmother and Mother ran ahead of them. Hanna gulped. As she heard her Mother yelling, something about, "I DON'T CARE IF IT'S TO LATE TO BUY A TICKET! KICK SOMEONE OFF THE PLANE! THIS IS A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH!"

About ten minutes later her mother waved them in. 

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hanna smiled, "First class is AWESOME!"

She sipped some Cola and watched the new "Cinderella" movie. Maybe Hum would be fun. MAYBE.

Hanna stared out the window. "Dad! There's someone on the wing of the plane! They've got a- a- a GUN!"


Hope you liked that chapter of the story. I hope you liked it. :)

Delia AWAY! (CRASH) I'm okay!!!

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