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Ladybug's yoyo was barely any help when it came to the giant globe of ice. She had tried hacking, and hacking at it, when she finally gave up and decided to use her lucky charm instead. A soft plomp! later and she was holding a pair of scissors. "Wow." Was her first thought, since this was a new high of lows. What exactly could scissors do against a large ice mushroom?

Then she realized something was missing. She realized that there was no awkward boy by her side to at least birghten up her spirits. But what Marinette did not know was that Chat Noir's civilian identity had been having a nice stroll in the park and didn't make it out of the Ice Queen's wrath in time.

So he was among the many of those who were trying to hack their way through by carving the ice with keys or slamming their bags against the ice. He was getting cold and  really hoped that Ladybug would do something soon, because this was way colder than a refrigerator.

Ladybug's eyes wandered up to a snow ridden umbrella stuck on a ledge, flowing in the wind as it tried to unhook itself. She stared back at her scissors, raising them up at the exact angle that it needed to be. Then with no thought of doubt at all, she threw them at the umbrella. Thankfully, the scissors hit the umbrella with the soft part facing it, so now the poor scissors were flying towards the ice dome.

Five seconds later, the dome collapsed, freeing everyone from their icy doom. It was only the scissors that got destroyed in the end, but she already had ones at home anyways. Not that they were in the cute ladybug print, but oh well.

Ladybug watched as people started to collect themselves, and/or run away to their warm homes. But then out of the corner of her eye she spotted a familar head of blonde hair running away from the park.


Adrien just wanted to get to an alley or somewhere to transform. He was almost in the exact same place Marinette had transformed moments before, when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder. The warmness spread in his body, and his face broke into a small grin when he heard an all familiar voice.

"You okay?" Ladybug asked, pulling him towards her direction so they were facing eachother. She looked up at him for a few minutes, looking away and blushing for some reason. "I saw you running--- I wanted to make sure you were, were okay."

Addien nodded, but then caught sight of the dark figure approaching the park via sky. He turned and ran away, leaving Ladybug alone with herself for company.

The boy decided to choose another place to transform, running into a subway and wlaking out seconds later, his tail curved between his legs. A sly smile erupted across his face as Ladybug approached him, leaving behind small tufts of her frozen breath as she ran.

"Chat Noir!" She said, standing in front of him and adjusting one of her ribbons that were almost falling out of her hair. "I was wondering when I would see you."

Chat smiled, putting an arm across her shoulders. Ladybug sighed; it was not the time for sentimental crap. "Chat." She said gruffly, crossing her arms impatiently across her chest.

Taking the hint almost immediatly, Chat took his arm away from her, placing it as his side where he gripped his stick tightly. "C'mon, My Lady." He answered, starting to run away. "We have to beat Elsa before it's too late."

Ladybug followed, stifling a sarcastic laugh.

They found Snowy Days a few minutes later. The girl was terrorizing the park once again, but this time she simply touched them. And the touch of her simple leather gloves made them into snowy monsters.

Snowy Days found happiness in this, even if it was evil. Now there was an actual group of people that could protect her. Now there was an actual group of people that could help her and not leave her alone to the bidding and taunting of others.

"Ladybug and Chat Noir." The thirteen year old akuma purred, placing her hands on her hips. "I was wondering when you would attack. Of course, my friend Hawkmoth explained to me that there was snow way that you would pass up a chnace to protect this poor excuse of a city."

"Snow way." Chat Noir mumbled, chuckling quietly,earning a nudge from Ladybug.

"But you do understand that there's not a chance of you beating me." Snowy continued, ignoring Chat Noir's comment. "You know why? Because I'm Snowy Days; destroyer of all the warmth. Even in people's hearts."

Ladybug bit back a curse word as Snowy Days snapped her fingers, signaling all her monsters to charge. "Good luck with my snowmen!" She giggled. "They're going to sleigh you."

This time Chat Noir laughed a bit louder, and Snowy grinned evilly. "I'll see you soon." She said to him, the faint outline of a purple mask appearing on her face. "Have a fun time playing in the snow!"

The girl flew away, snow swirling around her with an evil glint in her eyes. The two heroes thought she would be another's day work, easy enough to beat as Mr. Pigeon was. But Snowy Days had a plan.

She had a big plan.

short, yes. late, also yes. but here's an update!
expect one around valentine's day ;))
dedicated to Allianora_Emmalynna
(for being super relatable #procrastination)

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