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An: I added on to this to make it longer. I only stopped last time, because I ran out of ideas.
I happy to finish this chapter.
Dog/Anbu's p.o.v
I was going to Naruto's room to tell him, that I'd be taking care of him from now on,but I  was surprised to hear a voice coming from his room. I waited till the room was quiet,then I walked in to see a stranger. I pulled out a Kunai and asked who he is, but to my surprise he said " I'm Naruto". I then asked him questions only Naruto would be able to answer.
I asked him who his parents are, how he got here, and then I asked him to show me the seal on his stomach. He then proceeded to ask what a seal is. I showed him the one on my arm, then he showed me his stomach. I was surprised to see it was there. He told me his Parents are The Yellow Flash and The Red Death. I was about too say imposter,but the Hokage came in,and said "Hi Naruto".
I was surprised, then I realized I could tell by his chakra. I quickly checked and I was surprised it was really Naruto,but their was three foreign chakras inside him.I then told him he would be living and training with me.
He asked who I am, so I told him Kakashi and proceeded to removed my mask, then I gave him a really big hug.
Naruto's p.o.v
I was happy, I finally have a place to live and
i'm going to live with Kakashi -san. He then wrapped his arms around me. I was confused what he was doing, so I asked. He told me it was a hug and I'm supposed to wrap my arms around the person I'm sharing it with.
I was going to talk to Jiji-san, but I was interrupted by Iruka-sensei barging into my Hospital room. He was to worried to teach our class,so he ran to the hospital to check up on me to see, well me. He apologized and said
"Sorry wrong room, but where is Naruto Uzumaki's room". I told him I'm right here and that I would be released right now. He then promised to bring me out to get Ramen tomorrow, after that he left. I told Jiji-san we need to go to his office to discuss my appearance,and we left that instance.
I was happy as I could be.
Naruto's p.o.v
We got to Jiji's office, when Kakashi-san told him to put up special seal things. I told them about Kurama-san, and about my parents. He told me I was going to inherit their house and everything in it, when I become a ninja. I was so happy I literally started jumping up and down. He told me Kakashi would cast a Genjustu on me till I graduate. I agreed and just said "I'm waiting for training", after that me and Kakashi-nii went home.
Naruto's p.o.v
It's my twelve birthday and Kakashi and Anko-san said they would bring me to the weapon and clothing shopping.
I quickly got out of bed and got dressed. I went downstairs to find Anko-san sitting on the table eating dango and holding a scroll.
(She lives at Kakashi's house with them).
I can't wait till Kakashi-san comes back.
Anko told me I was going to get my father's original summoning scroll. I could now summon any type of Dragon,including the Dragon sage. I can finally be a ninja with this.
I signed the scroll as soon as Kakashi-nii walked into the room. He gave me a big hug,then he told me"Come on let's go to the weapon shop". I just can't wait.
Naruto's p.o.v
We just got to the Ninja weapon shop, when Kakashi said " You can get anything you want".
I looked around for a few minutes, then I saw the perfect gauntlets. They had shields of chakra come out of them, when you focus chakra into them. I continued to look and a hour later I saw the perfect sword. It was made of platinum and the blade was coated in diamond. It had a dragon engraved on blade and a nine tailed fox on the hilt, and the hilt was made of obsidian with with gems decorating it. We then proceeded to go to the clothing store. I got a face mask like Kakashi, but Crimson, and I got a outfit styled after the Anbu, but with a red scarf. I also got some pouches for my Kunai, Senbon, and Shurikuns. I brought my stuff home, then I Shushined to Main Street. I can't be late for the exams again.
Sasuke's p.o.v
I just woke up from another nightmare. I could see the dead, bulging, blood drained faces. I remembered see my fellow clans men get cut down by my older brother. I remember awakening the sharingan. I can still taste the blood in my mouth, from the others blood splattering in my face. I remember my Father dying in front of me. I remember his last words. He told me to not get revenge for my family's death,and that this was a mission. He said Itachi had to do this, because our clan had become corrupt, then I was pulled away by my mother. She said don't worry and don't cry, because we're still a family. I then fell asleep in her arms.
Sasuke's p.o.v
I quickly got some clothes and went to my bathroom. I took a quick shower, I brushed my teeth. I spent ten more minutes doing my hair, after I finished I went downstairs and made some breakfast. I told my mom I love her, then I ran to the academy. I was on my way,when I ran into my best friend" Naruto". We walked there together and talked, about our dojustus.
We were talking about the sharingan, when Naruto said he had to run home to get something. We then ran to his apartment. I saw his weapons and I was amazed. He put on his gauntlet and sealed his sword into his arm, afterwards he filled up his shuriken,senbon,and kunai pouches. We then ran toward school, so we wouldn't be late. We both got there as soon as the bell rung,then Iruka sensei came in.
To Be Continued
That's all folks,but I'll be updating maybe within a few days. I hope to see you then, but bye for now.

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