Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, I only own my story and original characters.
Naruto's p.o.v
I just got to school with Sasuke ,when he had to run away due to his fan girls. I told him to meet me at our spot during lunch. He ran around till Iruka-sensai came and yelled at everyone. We started class and I fell asleep. I was commanded to wake up so I did, but to everyone but Sasuke's surprise. I shunshined to the front of the room and did my signature move sexy no justu. I got yelled at again, and was told it was time for the gennin exams. After my scolding we all took the written test.I quickly realized the test had a D-ranked genjustu on it. I dispelled it and, then I finished it in under a minute. Then I waited the next twenty-five minutes for everyone else to finish. Afterwards we had to do our justu test. I waited calmly I quickly did the academy justu, then I did a C-ranked wind justu for extra credit.They took me to a open field for my taijutsu. I was told to keep my self from being knocked out of bounds for two minutes against a chunnin. I instead knocked out Mizuki my instructor in five seconds flat. Iruka-sensei congratulated me, then he told me to pick a forehead protector.
I picked up the only red one,and I quickly left the room. Iruka-sensei told us to come back tomorrow. I was my way home when I saw someone running from the Hokage tower.
I quickly started to follow behind the figure till I realized, it was Mizuki. I tackled him, and I took the scroll off his back. He was going to attack me, but Iruka-sensei showed up to stop him. He told me to run, so I did. I went behind a tree twenty meters away, and I read the scroll. I copied the Tajuu kage busin no justu, Koton:Daikonran ( a double S-rank justu,it was made to kill multiple enemies at one via giant floating fire balls.), I put my blood on a seal on the scroll, and three black rectangles with buttons on them popped out. I quickly put them in my pouches. I also read about chakra strings, a variation of kenjustu called the dragon inceptor, and I pushed my chakra into another seal, then I passed out.
Sasuke's p.o.v
I woke up to hear at scream coming from the forest. I rushed towards the direction of the screams. I was almost to the screams,when I saw Naruto leaning on a tree passed out. I quickly work him up, then he hand me a black rectangle with a red button that had three white tomoes on it. He told me to press the button, then I passed out when I did.
Naruto's p.o.v
Sasuke just passed out, I lightly placed him on the trunk of the tree, then I went after Mizuki.
I pressed the on one of the black rectangles, with two blades on it. All of a sudden I saw a bunch of images,then I blinked and I had another scroll on my back and I had the blades on the rectangle connected to chains, which decided to meld with my body. I ran up to Mizuki and sliced off his head, then to my surprise my swords ate his blood. Afterward the Hokage came with two squads of anbu. He told me it would go down on my record as
a A-rank mission and I would get the pay for said mission. After that I went to wake up Sasuke.
Sasuke's p.o.v
I was dreaming of Ravens and Tengu,When Naruto woke me up. I was feeling heavier then usual,so I looked at my arm only to see a gold arm piece on my arm,and a platinum sword on my back. I saw Naruto running towards me,so I got up. He told me to meet at our secret meeting spot tomorrow,so we said our goodbyes and we were going to go our separate ways, when.........
To Be Continued
I'm sorry for the delay,but it's finally here for you guys. I hope to update later on,but not today. I may do it later this month later.
Bye see you next time.

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