Chapter 3: ~Was It All A Lie?~

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I woke up still on the ground still at school. Except it was night and when I passed out it was still like 10 something. I look up to see a huge black wolf standing over me. I try to scream but all the cones out is a whine. What the hell? I try again and I still whine. I look down and see white paws. I thought it was all just a bad dream. The wolf above me growls and then walks away behind a tree. Two other brown wolfs about the same size were standing behind him and they did the same. Then three guys walked out in shorts. Where did they come from? Did they not just see those three giant wolfs standing here? The older guy starts staring me down.

"Shift" He says sternly.

I pick up my huge head and tilt it to the side. That's what dogs do when there confused right? He looks at me like I just slapped him.

"I said shift!" He yells.

I start whining and look at him pleading that he doesn't hurt me. What does it mean to shift? I don't know what he's talking about. He looks at me again and his face was so red I swear I saw steam coming out of his ears.


He yells so loudly and with so much authority I swear the ground shook. I put my head down under my paws and close my eyes. At this point I'm so scared that I start shaking. So I do what anyone would do at this point. Run right? I lift up my head and notice he has his back turned talking to the other guys. I stand up and run as fast as I can. Which was so fast. I never new you could go so fast that everything went blurry except for what your looking at straight ahead of you. The feeling was amazing. I could feel, smell, hear and see everything. I usually have to wear contacts because I'm blind as a bat but not now. I could look at the smallest detail of something from miles away. I could see the whiskers on a rabbit from 10 miles away. I could feel the wind in my fur and the soft, damp dirt under my paws. I could hear... wait I could hear footsteps. Footsteps that where getting closer. Not just one pair but multiple. I turned around to see those wolves from before following me. Chasing me and they did not look happy. But they also looked...tired? They started to slow down a bit. I wasn't even close to tired though. In fact I could probably run alot faster to if I tried. Now that I think about it I had no idea where I was going.

"We are going home dear."

I stopped right in my tracks and looked around. Who just said that?

"It was me. Sorry to startle you but we should keep running"

I do as the voice says and while I'm running I say out loud. "Who are you?"

"I'm your wolf dear. My name is Snow"

"Ok but where are you?" I say out loud again while looking around but still keeping a fast pace.

"I'm guessing no one has explained anything about the wolf world to you"

"The what world?"

"You don't have to speak out loud dear just think something and I can hear it"

"Oh OK this is alot easier" I laugh out loud.

I suddenly stop and realize I'm lost. I look around and I'm in the middle of a forest that I've never even seen. I hear a twig snap from behind me. I spin around to see nothing but darkness. The sun was setting and things were getting darker. But then I see eyes. And then a snout. And then a whole wolf is walking towards me.

This is probably the biggest wolf I have ever seen. I had to look straight up to look him in the eyes.

Then it hit me.

It was a smell. Not a bad smell but a really, really good smell. It smelled like fresh cookies and dirt. It was an odd smell but it was the kind that made you feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

"Mate! Mate! Mate!" Snow yelled in my head.

"What?" I asked confused. "Are you Australian or something?"

I looked back at him I noticed it was dark outside but the Moon seemed to put a spot light on us. Fireflies started flying around us and I felt like I could have stood there forever. Then I felt a sharp pain in my butt. I turned around to see a bright purple arrow in my ass. I look passed my butt to the treeline to see the three wolves from earlier. I hear the biggest growl I have ever heard and I watch as the huge wolf that was in front of me jump over me. When he landed the ground actually shook. I started feeling really weak. My eyelids started drooping and the last thing I saw was the huge wolf pounce on the other wolves.

I woke up in my bedroom with my mom sitting on my bed next to me holding my hand. I look over and see the guy from my first period that messes with my hair. Why is be here? He just smiles at me showing cute little dimples and perfect teeth. I almost melted into my bed and I knew my face was red from blushing.

"Soooo..." I say trying to break the awkwardness but fail.

"Honey I have a lot to explain to you and some of it....your not going to like" My mom says sounding a little concerned.

"Ok tell me"

"Lucas can you leave the room please." She says to Mr.Hottie.

"Our mate has a nice ass"

"Oh my god Snow seriously?"

"Ok so I guess I'll just start at the beginning. Me and your dad met at a bar one night. As soon as he saw me it was love at first sight. Or so I thought. It was actually the mate bond. Something you and Lucas share. You two are mates. A mate is actually short for soulmate. It means you two have an undeniable love for eachother. When you two touch you will get tingles and he will smell amazing to you. To finalize the bond you two will have to mate and he will have to mark you to prove you are his mate and he basically owns you. Also if you haven't figured it out yet yes you are a werewolf but according to Lucas your not just any wolf. Your special. He said your fur was snow white and that in the moonlight it sparkled and glowed. Which means that your wolf is a descendant from the Moon goddess. The Moon goddess is the one who created the mate bond and the one who pairs them up. If your wolf really is a descendant that means you two are very powerful and special. Meaning there are going to be a lot of people looking for you. There are a few other things I'll tell you later and your wolf can help me out with telling and teaching you these things. But for now I need to get to the upsetting part. Its about your dad. He was not in the army. He did not die in battle. I told you these things because we were not sure if you were going to be a werewolf or a human. So I did my best to make sure you had a normal life. Your dad actually died in a fight against packs. It was one of the biggest fights in werewolf history. After it all happened I took you back to California where I grew up. I hid all my sadness with my professional attitude and you bought it. I'm sorry I had to tell you this."

By the time she was done talking it had felt like hours had gone by. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was crying so hard I couldn't even focus on her face at this point. I got up and ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I sat on the floor and just balled my eyes out. Was she telling the truth? Was my whole life a lie?

Hello Fluffy readers. I'm Kaylei I hope your enjoying my book so far. This is basically my first book because my other one was just a complete fail. So don't judge if you have any ideas or comments make sure to let me know. Don't be rude either!😁

Also if your cool you should follow me on Instagram😜 @katsthebooh

Thank you for reading❤

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