Chapter One

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My name is Maya Luise, and I'm a freshman. Today is my first day at SouthMoon High, a school notorious for the characteristic wolf mascot. There was NorthMoon High across town, but that school seemed to just be a larger version of my old middle school. I wanted high school to be an adventure of its own kind, not just some bigger and more drawn out middle school adaption.

"All new students please head to the commons," a young man with a name tag called out once I reached the foyer. "Once again, all new students please head to the commons. Even if you're not a freshman, head that way!" Walking down the hall to where I assumed the commons were, I saw that it was lined with booths from different clubs.

"Join Gamers Club!"

"Anime Club, minna-san!"


"Photography Club is over here!"

"While they might say they're great clubs, Debate Club will prove to you how great we are!"

I smiled, this was fun. As I entered the commons, I spotted a pair of what seemed to be twins handing something out. Both short in stature and with the same hue of brown hair between the both of them, they were greeting people and handing out rubber bracelets. Some red, some green, some yellow, and a few blue. The girl twin saw me and waved me over, "Hi! My name is Melody Jones and this is Nelson Jones, and we'd like to ask if you'd be interested in a bracelet?"

"It's for a good cause," Nelson, the boy, added. He held a red one out to me.

"No, thanks," I said. "Red isn't really my color." He smiled and offered me a green one that matches my eyes.

"Maybe not, but this one is," Melody said happily, nodding to the bracelet her brother held. I nodded shyly and accepted the rubber bracelet and tugged it over my hand and wrist. I looked at it. "It's for a new GSA," Melody said. "The one you saw the booth for? They're... Not the best."

"Which is why we're handing out bracelets," Nelson said. "To get people on our side." I nodded.

"What's wrong with them?" I asked, looking around the commons.

"Not too much, but I mean, the fact that they said pansexuality isn't a thing just because they feel like it threatens the hottest girl in the GSA, who's bi, is kinda absurd," Nelson growled. "And that they won't accept that Tiffany isn't Timothy anymore just because she doesn't have the boob pads that Angelica got." Not understanding, I looked at him questioningly. He smiled kindly at me and said, "dear, are you new? This school isn't only well known for our sports teams."

"We're also one of the safest schools around for the LGBT community students. So we have a lot of them," Melody said, as she tried to hand a bracelet to a passerby. She frowned as she was rejected. "I guess you must be a freshman, huh? Because you didn't know?" She looked at me with her hands on her hips. I nodded, unsure of what to do. Smiling, she looked at her brother. I noticed I was taller than both of them at my 5'3" height. I nodded, though I was still confused.

"Who's Angelica? Boob pads? Pansexuality?" I asked, confused. I knew what bi was, and I knew that Tiffany (who used to be Timothy) was trans, but I had never heard someone talk about that sort of a thing like that out in the open. My parents had always dodged the subject, and yet here I am, talking to the GSA rejects.
"Angelica and Leo are best friends," Melody started, as she handed out a bracelet to a short boy with a polo shirt. "Angelica is a trans girl. She's a junior but she's supposed to be a sophomore. Super smart, I guess."

"Leo is something else. Leo is the bi one, and she's not the smartest. She drags Angelica down in so many ways," Nelson whispered to me as he handed another round of bracelets to pass out to Melody. "She's so dumb. She copies all of Angelica's work, and she's a senior. Her boyfriend is lucky that she isn't a stereotypical bi girl who sluts around, but he always gets the job of dealing with her when she gets upset. Poor guy." Melody laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, well, if he really had a problem with it, he'd have left her for Jenni a while ago," Melody smiled. "So, Maya, right? You're a freshman? I'm sorry, I'm not a good listener."

"Wanna sit with us at lunch? I bet you have a fifth hour one," Nelson said. "Usually that's when freshmen have theirs. We have that lunch this year, too. But, we're sophomores." I nodded at him and looked at Melody.

"Please sit with us?" She asked. "I'll try to be a better listener!" I nodded, and they said they'd find me when lunch came. I guess they were lucky that I really did have a fifth hour lunch.

When lunch came, I had trouble finding my way to the cafeteria. I had science during fourth hour, biology, to be more exact. After getting stuck trying to get out the door behind some boy who had way overstuffed his backpack, I was still roaming the halls after the bell rang, trying to get to the commons. I didn't understand how I could get as lost as I was- the commons were practically the middle of the school, right?

"Lost?" I heard a deep but soothing voice say. I turned and saw a boy with a skin tight shirt and some nice fitting blue jeans. If his height was anything to go by, he was an upperclassman, thought I learned through Melody and Nelson that height could be a deceiver. I nodded and I felt my face bloom with a slight blush. Looking down, I tried to cover it up. He laughed at me a bit, and I was embarrassed. "You must be the girl Mel and Nel were talking to me about, huh? They never got your name."

I was shocked. They told someone about me? They told HIM about me? But I wasn't anything special. Plain brown hair, some green eyes. I wasn't even thin. My tummy had a bit of a roll to it, but I guess that that's what you get when you eat bacon every day of summer vacation. My morning routine rarely ever even included makeup unless I needed to hide a serious volcano pimple on my face. As a result, I usually came to school looking like some sort of zombie, at least compared to the other girls. "I'm not too lost," I told him. "But could you point me to the commons?"

"Sure," he said. He pointed down a hall and started walking to it. "I'm going to lunch to, hon. Come with me." I blushed more and nodded. "My name is Oliver."

"I'm Maya," I said. He nodded. "...are you an upperclassman?"

"Yeah, I'm a senior. I don't like your name," he said. I was taken back, and I didn't understand. "It's too weird."

"I'm sorry?" I said quietly. Oh, great. Already making the cute guy mad. "It's just a name... Would you maybe have a better term to call me by, Oli?" I smirked, attempting to flirt.

"Maya, hon, I'm gay," he told me with a smile as we came up towards the cafeteria. "So that little flirting thing you got going on can just kill itself with fire." He laughed. "And don't call me Oli. That's only for my best friend."

"Sorry," I said, and I trailed behind him to the lunch room. I added a nod and I tried to keep quiet. I've been nodding a little too much today, huh? "Who's your best friend?" That made Oliver laugh fondly, and I smiled. He may be gay, but he's still cute. He pointed to a table where I could see Nelson, Melody, and another couple of girls sitting. "Which one?"

"Addie," he said. "The one with the varsity jacket? She's a junior. She's amazing at basketball."

A/N: So, I really doubt anyone is even reading this story. It's just gonna be a bit of a side hobby for me, so that's okay, right? So... What do you think will become of Addie? And Oliver? Will they end up as friends or foes to Maya?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2016 ⏰

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