31: Golden Girl

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I don't know what startles me more, the fact that I'm outside, or the face that I'm on the top of an old fashioned train that is moving very quickly.

David grabs hold of me, as it is very obvious that it is unstable and someone with bad balance could fall due to the strong wind. The sky is grey and my hair is already going all over the place even though I put it up securely.

The loud noise of the klaxon sounds, and we know we have to move.

"Come on, I can see a way in through there!" David shouts, but it is still difficult to hear him over the roaring wind.

David leads the way towards a glass panel in the ceiling further down the train, which looks like one of the only ways in.

"I'm sorry" I hear Alfie shout from behind us, as I turn around he is heading in the other direction.

"What are you doing?" Amira asks, as she stops completely to look at him; in return he stops to answer her, as they were close.

"I can't do this, not with you four" He pauses as he looks at Amira. I've waited with her whilst Jodie and David check our entrance. "I have to go"

"But Alfie!" Amira shouts, as he starts running in the opposite direction again.

"They're up there!" I hear a voice yell from beneath us, but the voice also came outside.

"Come on!" I grab Amira, and lead her towards the entrance.

"But Alfie" She turns to look, but she loses her footing, this causes her to scream as she quickly stumbles to what looks like could be her death if another team is down there. David acts quickly and grabs me, so if she does go, she doesn't take me with her, but luckily she recovers and neither of us end up falling.

"Thank you" I'm not sure if David could hear me, but I needed to say it.

I look over to Jodie to see her gesturing us inside.

"The coast is clear" Jodie says as we all reach her.

"Yeah, we're fine thanks" David says sarcastically, as Amira looks like she could cry, and my life has just flashed before my eyes.

I hit David's arm, as know is probably not the time for sarcasm. Jodie shakes her head and carries on with what she was saying.

"I'll go down first"

"Are you sure?" David asks, it's easy to tell from his expression that he's confused, as Jodie would never volunteer to go first.

She nods in response, "I've got this"

David helps her down, and then we watch from the top as she checks out the room before we all go down with her. She looks up and nods.

"Go on Amira" David says, as he looks expectantly at her.

She shakes her head and it's hard to place what exactly is going through her head, but it is clear to see that she is traumatized.

"I can't" Amira says sternly, as tears quickly flow from her eyes. "I can't do this". She shakes her head as she looks at me, "Don't make me"

I look at David, as I'm not sure what to say to her.

"Amira" David sighs, "You don't have a choice, just jump down in there, and you'll be fine. It's a nice little carriage with posh seats and everything"

"Not helping" I say, as I hit his arm again.

"I'm not doing it" She moves back, and David goes to grab her, but she pulls back quickly from him.

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