30: The Beginning

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I sit on the bed not wanting to leave the room. I know what today is and I’m not ready to face the day. Today could be the day that I die.

I hear Nathan’s knock on the door and the sound makes me feel sick. My stomach knots, as this is the signal of the start of the day.

‘Pull yourself together’, my conscious tells me. I know that I should and I need to. I need to act exactly like I did in the first couple of days. I need to act like I’m not a petite makeup artist. I bet group 1 have careers like personal trainers or body guards. I love my job, but it sounds so pathetic compared to what other people might do.

I take a breath to compose myself as I stand up. I need to leave this room, as much as it may pain me, it needs to be done. I can’t stay here or they would probably kill me for refusing to leave the room; either way I’ll die.

I push the door open and I look straight at Nathan. I keep my expression blank, but I try not to look scared; I know that I should be good at this, as this is what I was like at the beginning, but this did fade after a while, so I need to try to keep it for as long as I can.

“Come on” Nathan says in a dull tone, as soon as I appear, as I was the last one out of their room.

Just like any other day we follow him down to the dining hall. He sits at the head table and we sit at our table. I end up sitting in-between David and Jodie.

 It is silent as none of us know what to say; what do you say to people who will be helping you to survive or planning on killing you?

“Tired?” David asks with a grin, as Amira yawns.

She nods, “I barely slept”.

“I hope you guys aren’t worrying about what’s going happen; we’re going to stick together, ok?” David says whilst looking between us.

“Are we actually doing that?” Alfie asks whilst furrowing his eyebrows.

This takes me back, as this statement is genuinely true; he really doesn’t believe that we’re a team. “I thought we agreed?”

He shrugs and looks down, “I just think that I can do better on my own”

“Why?” David asks. I can’t tell if he’s confused or angry, but I know that I am both.

“I just want to do things my way and I can’t do that if we’re a team because they’ll be disagreements and arguments” Alfie answers, looking up a David with a blank expression.

“This is causing an argument” David replies with a stern look; he’s angry, “Do you not understand teamwork?”

 “David, just drop it” Jodie says whilst giving Alfie a dirty look.

“You don’t have to team up on me” Alfie looks between me, David and Jodie, as we are all giving him the same type of looks.

“Well we are a team” The sarcasm in my tone is obvious. I know that I want to act like I did in the early days, so I need to start with these lot, so I know if I can keep it up.

Alfie shakes his head, “You’re the team”

“Mate” David sighs, “This is a bit pathetic”

“I just can’t do it, alright” Alfies frustration is building; his tone completely gives him away.

“It’s not alright” David shakes his head, “So are you going to kill us?”

Alfie sighs and hesitates before going to answer, “N-“

“Says it all” David sits back into his chair and folds his arms.

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