You Don't Deserve This

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I kept walking by myself. I heard thunder and saw a strike of lightning, but I continued walking. I would've called one of the boys but I didn't have their number and I also wanted to be alone.  I kept my phone out just in case anything were to happen. I thought of calling Simon but I didn't want to bother him, and besides, he would ask too many questions. I felt cold rain drops hit my skin.  It started coming down heavier. I didn't have a jacket or umbrella to cover me but I didn't care. I could feel the make up running down my face. I wasn't crying, I felt too numb to cry. 

I came to a stop at a stop sign. I looked across the street and saw a diner. When I saw no cars coming, I crossed the street and walked in the diner. The guys weren't expecting me home until 10:00 and it was only 8:22.  I sat down at a table and ordered a cup of coffee. I took my phone out and decided to call Demi.  She didn't pick up and I put my phone back down. I crossed my arms and put my head down on the table. I heard voices walk by, they sounded familiar. I looked up and took my phone. I turned it on camera and switched it to self portrait. I saw Niall, Louis, and Harry sitting on one side, and Zayn and Liam must be sitting on the other. I looked out the window and saw my car outside.

Shit. I thought. Well this was great. I got up, trying not to be noticeable, but I was soaking wet. I threw money on the table for the coffee. I felt my outfit sag a little, and my hair was gross clinging to my face. "Lilly?" I heard a voice ask. I stopped and my tracks, then continued walking. I felt arms grab me. "Let me go now." I said. I felt the hands let go and I continued out the door. I heard the footsteps after me. I opened the door and marched out. "Lilly!" they called after me. I stopped and turned around furious. "What, what do you want?!" I screamed. They stopped walking and looked at me in shock. I fell to the sidewalk.

"I want to be left alone." I said, holding my knees that were now bleeding from the fall. I closed my eyes. The rain continued to pelt my skin violently, turning it pink. Niall came over and started taking his jacket off. He put it around me and picked me up. "No, you need us." he said, whispering in my ear. They got in the car and Niall set me on his lap. I put my head on Niall's chest and started to cry. "Shh." he cooed. I continued to sob. "I'm getting blood and make up on your jacket. I don't deserve it. You don't deserve this." I whimpered. "I don't care if you get blood or make up on my jacket. I don't know what happened, but I'm here to comfort you." he said.

He continued to try to calm me down. We eventually got home. I felt Niall pick me up and bring me inside. He set me on the counter while Liam looked in cabinets. "Lilly, where are the band-aids?" he asked. "In the second cabinet." I said. He got out the first aid kit and started helping my bloody knees. Niall watched. The other boys already went to the living room. "Ow." I winced as he pressed the band-aids down. Niall grabbed my hand. "Its okay. If it hurts just squeeze my hand." he said. Liam continued to fix up my leg. I didn't want to hurt Niall so I pretended that it didn't hurt. "All better!" Liam said. "Thanks." I said, sliding off the counter. I went to the couch and sat down.

"Long day. Ha ha." Harry said, trying to ease the tension. "Yep." I said. "Need a hug?" Zayn asked. I shook my head. He came over and wrapped his arms around me. The other boys followed and soon I was embraced in a hug by all of them. I started crying for no reason. 'If only Josh were here.' I thought. "I miss Josh." I said without thinking. They backed away. "Lilly, what happened?" Louis asked. I covered my face with my hands. "He h-had a-a girlfriend." I choked out. They stood there. "He didn't tell me, I made a fool of myself." I continued. "Lilly you're not a fool, you're far from one." Harry said. I shook my head. "I am." I said.

"No you're not Lilly." I looked up and saw Niall talking. He sat down next to me. He put one arm around me. "You're not, I know you're not." he said. "Thanks." I yawned. "Okay, time for bed, she's had a tough day." Liam said. I laid down on the couch. Liam turned the lights out and the boys sat on the floor. When I woke up, they were passed out across the floor. "What happened here?" Simon asked, walking in with a cup of coffee. 

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