The Fox Doll

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Sam stepped slowly out of the door, a portal into a shimmering world. The sun was long settled, but the trees, flowers, mushrooms and insects flourished under their own patterned illumination. The teenager let the door go and it vanished into the air, only a tingle to show where it had once been.

Everything fizzed with strangeness, even the air smelled potent with earthly things. The crisp grass beneath was thick and lush, the bark unbearably soft. The trees stood so tall Sam couldn't see the branches, only long trunks with gealming blue sap carefully moving up and down, a placid heartbeat for the tree. Black canopy hung heavy above. The unseen leaves crackled with thick harmonies. Occasionally a leaf would fall, red, orange and purple streaked, scrunched up and half a metre wide. The darkness itself seemed to pulse with life and colour, blacker than shadow, deeper than night .

Lost in curiosity, Sam wandered, guided only by her desires. Stands of glowing trees sat apart from each other with pearlescent mushrooms to light a meandering path. The young girl, overwhelmed, stepped lightly in the new world, eager to avoid harming anything.

One bright pink fairy and then another flittered into view, dancing in the air.

"A girl!" they cried in tiny bell like voices, "A beautiful girl!"

Sam looked around, unsure of who they were talking about. When she turned back, the small folk were gone. Sam sniffed the air and smelled delicious vanilla and peaches.

I wonder what Grandma Lacy would've smelt? Sam thought wistfully to herself, though the thought was soon gone. Slowly, Sam grew more bold, stepping further and further into the dimly lit world and further from the way home. It didn't occur to the teenager that there might not be a way home. She fingered a heavy iron ring on her finger absently.

Sam walked on, uncaring of the direction, until her body felt weary. As if by design, she heard water lapping at her senses. She looked down and found a small spring flowing from a hill close by. The small aquamarine waterfall glimmered in soft light from nearby luminescent mushrooms, a gentle splash to mark it's landing in the tiny pool. The rocks around it were the shade of galaxies. Sam dipped small pale hands into the water and brought the cool cupped water to her mouth.

The water sang like water never had. It left the girl refreshed and strong, though calm and restful. Content, Sam settled beside a thick stand of trees, letting her eyes drift close. She had no idea why she was tired, but the feeling wouldn't be denied. Remotely, Sam knew this was a new unexplored world and could have great dangers at every turn, but she felt mysteriously safe. Nothing would attack her here.

Nodding off, she played with some of the flowers dotting the ground. Each had their own colours and smells. A palm sized green flower caught her, and her hand came away smelling of celery. A soft tan flower with floppy petals and short stem brought memories of pancakes in the morning. Smiling, Sam let her arms settle beside her, one hand unconsciously gripping a doll figurine.

Sam woke to nothing. No sound beyond the springs gurgle woke her; no sensation other than the velvet like bark disturbed her, yet she awoke alert and eager to continue on. How long had she slumbered? What had she missed? Thoughtlessly, Sam slipped the figurine into her jacket pocket: it made a comforting bugle against her jeans clad leg. As a last thought, the girl returned to the pool of water. The sight held her attention.

A girl, a beautiful girl, looked out at Sam from within the water with Sam's own blue eyes in a different face. The shape was more lovely, the features more regular, more delicate, the hair lightest blonde. Undeniably a girl's face, or a teenager near the edge of womanhood.

Sam had never seen the face before yet knew it was hers.

"Strange," was all Sam could say and saw the perfect cherub lips move in unison. She sedately stood up and walked away, patting the figure in her pocket. She had no idea where the figure had come from though she sensed it wanted to come along for a journey.

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