The Winter Forest

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Sam left the woods next to the house, following the older cousin as quietly as possible.

"I can hear you Sam," the tall girl said loudly. She turned around and flashed angry green eyes at her cousin, her smile offsetting the anger. Long black hair swirling around her slim form.

"Are you stalking me or something, twerp?" She spoke, without venom. They had always had a comfortable relationship. They had played with Grandma Lacy in the woods, or watched old movies, throwing popcorn at the tv during the cheesy parts.

Sam laughed with her while attempting to hide internal agitation. The shock of the purple leaves still echoed inside. There was no proof they were from the Midnight Forest. "Why would I stalk you, Ash? I was just in the forest. I saw a fawn! It was so pretty. We might be able to find it if you want to look."

Sam smiled warmly and she smiled warmly back. All was as it was before.

"Sammy boy, you're becoming such a handsome man!" Ashley replied. She walked the few metres separating them and held Sam's shoulder, a clear head over the teen. She was close enough that Sam could see the familiar owl necklace on her chest. "I bet all the girls are going after you now! What with that cute round face of yours and those big blue eyes. You're getting taller too! You'll be bigger than me in a couple of years. Then I can't tease you, anymore."

Sam blushed, his cheeks glowing bright red, not only from the compliments, but also the firm contact between them.

"Shut up Ash, you're embarrassing me." Sam said abruptly and hurried on towards the house, not looking back even as he heard her light-hearted giggle.

Girls. They're trouble.

The words stopped Sam short.

Those were not Sam's words. It was a memory of someone from long ago. A face didn't surface, only a gravely voice.

"Ashley," Sam said hesitantly, "you knew Grandpa Madoc didn't you? I don't think I ever met him. I don't have any clear memories of him, anyway."

Sam didn't turn around or look up when Ash came closer. She walked past and opened the screen door to the house.

"Yeah, I met him a few times," she spoke in a conversational way, walking through, but Sam heard a hitch in her voice as if her heart rate had picked up. "Honestly, he was a bit weird. Nice, in a rough way. He came from a rough place, but he was really sweet sometimes. He wanted me to know about the family, our history and stuff. He was big on passing things down the family line. I miss him a lot. There're more things I need to know about our family."

Sam noticed Ash hide her face behind her long black hair, a sign she was closing up. Sam automatically moved into the kitchen to make tea. The scent of Earl Grey soon wafted through the kitchen. Ashley sat at the table and poured out tea for two.

"You always remembered my favourite," she looked at the tea while speaking.

Sam grinned, knowing she wouldn't see. "I only brought it up because I saw his painting in my room, the one with the red and white tree. It made me curious. You make it sound like he died. I thought he...just left. I really don't know. Mum won't talk about him much."

Sam, never adept at emotions, retreated into the strong smelling tea.

Silence reigned for a time. The sounds of the house eventually lulling both of them into a more comfortably vulnerable place.

Ashley started and stopped until she found her voice proper.

"Grandpa Madoc has to live in his country. Something about the sunlight here was making him sicker and sicker. He's still alive but he's gone into hiding. I haven't heard from him in a long time. I'm not even sure he knows about Grandma Lacy. He'll be so sad when he finds out about her death. They really love-loved each other. I've been looking for him... I don't know. He would always somehow know about the big events like birthdays and stuff, even though time was never his friend."

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