chapter 1

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(Just added music if you want to listen to it don't have to also all rightful owner ship goes to hiro marishima soz if name spelt wrong)

It was a normal day in fairy tail
Erza was eating her strawberry cake
Natsu and grey started another guild fight. While on the side lines happy and lisanna were cheering natsu on, Juvia was cheering on her precise grey-sama on. In the darkest corner of the guild you could see a outline of someone. That someone who was sitting alone was our favourite celestial spirit mage Lucy heartfilia.
Wondering why she's sitting alone it all started when she came back.
The fairy tail guild was having yet another normal day of guild mates getting drunk and having fights with each other. It all came to a sudden stop when the doors bursted open and shouted "IM BACK MINNA" as everyone turned around there stood a white hair girl, that looked like Mira and elfman "L L LISANNA" everyone who knew her shouted and ran to hug her. Mira and elfman were crying tears if joy to have there baby sister back from the " dead " , and all the newest members all were wondering who she was.
#Flashback ends

Its been a year since then at first it wasn't bad team natsu still talked to Lucy but took lisanna on missions.
But after a month they just engorged her like the rest of the guild except Wendy , Carla , Romeo , Gajeel , Painter Lily , Juvia , Master and the thunder God tribe were the only ones to notice or talk to her anymore.
The same was happening to all the newest members so the all formed a team called team forgotten.
Lucy was so deep in thought she didn't notice the rest of her team sit in front if her.

#lucys POV
I was thinking about asking my team if we should go on a mission, since my rent is due soon and I need the extra jewels since I'm saving up to buy back my old house. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my name being called "y uy Lucy-san are you there " Wendy was asking me, " huh what were you saying Wendy I was to busy thinking sorry" I replied.
When I looked up my whole team was here (if you are wondering who is on team forgotten it is Lucy ,Wendy ,Carla,Gajeel,Panther Lily,Romeo,Juvia)
"As I was saying do you want to come on a mission with us I already picked one out for us and got master to let us do it " Wendy told me. As I was about to say yes I hear someone call out my name " hey Lucy " when I turn around I see team natsu and lisanna clinging on natsu arm like her life depented on it. I put on fake smile and answered " hey natsu, erza ,grey , happy and lisanna what brings you over hear " I asked in my fake cheery voice.
"Lucy we are kicking you off team natsu you are a weak little bitch who is useless at everything you do except, for being slutty and a whore who use her spirits as shields and lies about them being not shields but friends when you fight on the side lines waiting for your sorry ass to be saved by us ,and you were just a replacement for lisanna anyway we were never truley friends you ugly bitch why don't you leave the guild" natsu said with the biggest smile he could master up onto his face.
A lot of "yeah" and " get lost slut " were heard around the guild but Lucy engorged them and laughed right in front of them. Team natsu looked confused " hahaha I'm sorry natsu but I quit team natsu after 2 moths after you leaving me behind I'm in a new team now so bye bye " I told them and walked off with team forgotten.

Team forgotten stood outside of fairy tail planning when and where to meet. "So at the train station 6:00pm OK guys let go pack the meet up" I told them there were a few replies of " OKs" and 1 "whatever's"

When we parted ways I called out plue to walk home with me.
As I was walking on the edge the boatmen called out saying "be careful Lucy you might fall in one of these days " I replied with "don't worry I will be careful".
When I got home I said bye to plue and started to pack a weeks worth of cloths with bits and pieces of other things.
Once I was done pack it said 5:00 pm so I had an hour left. I decide to have a shower. I got ready for my shower grabbing my cloths they were a black hoddie that said bitches bewear and maroon ripped skinny jeans with black high top converses. My hair was my normal hair colour of blond with pink dyed tips in a high pony tail.
I looked at the time and saw it was 5:49 so I grabbed my keys and whip put them on my belt and grabbed my suitcase and went to the train station.
When I got the Wendy and Carla were waiting for everyone one to arrive " hey Wendy and Carla" I yelled out to the waving my free hand around the saw me and started waving back to me saying "hey Lucy nice to see you" ( if your wondering Wendy didn't call Lucy lucy-san she only calls her that in the guild)
"So anyone else hear yet" I asked
"Hop just you and me hear so let's wait I'm sure they won't be that long" Wendy replied with happiness in her voice "I bet you can't wait to see Romeo again aye "I teased her she turned as bright as a tomato
" noooooooo " she yelled back all embarrassed. " I bet you can't wait to see gajeel " I turned bright red how did she find out about me liking him I only started to like him this past year.
As me and Wendy continued to talk everyone else showed up "hi guys " me and Wendy said and everyone said hi back " so I already go our tickets for the train it will be here in 10 minutes so sit down " told them and they did
We all started to talk when no one was looking a took glances at gajeel secretly.

#Gajeels POV
While we were waiting for the train to arrive I keep seeing bunny girl stealing glances at me every once and while, since shrimp started to engorge me I stated to like bunny girl more than I did shrimp.

Yay my first chapter or something like that plz love and comment if you like it and I should keep writing it and like 1111 words in my story bye bye ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

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