Sabertooth finding out

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Previously on Lucy's revenge
"Master the fairy tail makes are here"
We hear the man say "we are going to be working with fairy tail" we hear a family voice say it was

As team forgotten walks in they see Sabertooth members they consisted of Sting Eucliffe the white dragon slayer, Rogue Cheney the shadow dragon slayer, Yukino Agria another celestial mage and there exceeds Lector and frosch.
As team forgotten had fully entered there was some groaning from gajeel and sting "come on why can't it be team natsu I wanted to seem him not them" he whined.
#Stings Pov
Aww man why couldn't it be team natsu not them. Wait why is blonde with them and not team natsu,
"Hey blonde why ain't you with team natsu I thought you were a team with them" I ask, after I asked that there seemed to be a lot of tension so I stood there awkwardly waiting for the answer.

#Lucy's Pov
Sting was rumbling on about how he wished team natsu was here, when he asked he called me "hey blonde why ain't you with team natsu I thought you were on a team with them" stings ask a lot of tension built after that deciding if I should answer or not.
"team natsu oh hell no I ain't on there team no more the ignored me for months than have the guts to kick me of there team" I answered stings question. There were gasps from the sabertooth members with shock faces matching yes even rouge.

#Yukinos Pov
Wait wait what natsu kicked Lucy off team natsu and he's going on about how nakama stick together. Shocked is definitely what I was feeling "why did he" I asked Lucy.

#Gajeels Pov
'Why can't the Sabers keep there mouth shut and stop butting in to other people personal business, and they had to bring up team dipshits, I hope bunny girl alright' I thought as I looked in her direction to see if she was alright.

#Lucy's Pov
As I thought if I should answer Yukino question, I see gajeel looking over worried about me I slightly blush. "Alright so the answer to your question is that he kicked me out because his childhood crush/bestfriend came back from the
"dead" and the Guild started to ignore us and we form a team then they kicked me out cause I'm apparently a weak, sluty little bitch who hide behind her sprits" I told them. Yukino started

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