BB first....

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BB was talking with JJ
"So then Foxy killed the gaurd!"
He smiles, JJ smiles too
"That sounds very daring, BB"
she laughs. TC stared at it
"Ugh.... I hate my life right now" she thinks and walks up to BB
"Hey, BB"
She says flirty, BB blushed slightly
"Hi... TC"
He says looking away. JJ looked at it
"Uhm...whats going on?"
She asks,
"Nothing!" TC says quick "just that BB isnt really in love with you..."
She says and kisses BB.

JJ gets tears and runs away, BB pushes TC off
"What the fuck!?" He yelled "Why did yo do that?"
He looked at TC who was smirking
"Thats one...just four to go..." she mutters and grabs BB
"Cmon BB... you know you love me more then JJ!!"
She says loud making sure JJ hears it, JJ starts to cry more and runs to the office.
BB says after she ran away and then looks at TC
"What do you want...."
TC smirks again and drags BB to the restrooms, BB knew it already and gets out TC's grip
"Im not doing that with you!" He yells.
TC chuckles
"Then it has to be forced!"
She says and gets him in the restrooms locking the door

After a while TC walks out of the restrooms
"See? It was fun!"
BB shivers a lot and stumples towards the Game Hall

(I dont typ what happens in bathroom...ew...)

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